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“Anyway”—Osric took another booze gulp—“I approached the gentlemen, and made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that I thought their beliefs were a steaming pile of horse shit. And that they should perhaps fuck off to another bar, one that was more suited to clientele of their bird-brained dispositions.”

Xander and Jax laughed. Aaron shook his head. I was curious to hear more. “What happened next?”

Osric shrugged. “As you might imagine, they didn’t take too kindly to my opinion.”

“So they…” I leaned forward, fascinated by Osric being the most open he’d ever been.

“Without warning, they shifted into a pride of bloody lions and proceeded to attack me. Sending the whole bar into chaos, smashing up the place as we began tussling, punching, kicking, headbutting, and so forth.”

“Oh my god! You fought them all?”

He cleared his throat, laughing. “Tried to. I was shitfaced drunk, and badly outnumbered. It looked like I wouldn’t be having to worry about my arranged marriage after all.”

“They were going to kill you?!?”

“Oh yes, dear Ceci, these temple fanatics are vicious, nasty bastards, and I’d insulted their religion. Unfortunately, the booze, as it tends to do, had sapped my fighting prowess considerably. I also had no chance to summon Ju—”

“Then how did you get out of it?”

He looked over at Aaron, saying nothing.

Aaron held his palms outspread, as if he didn’t have a clear answer either. “My bear joined in. Incensed by the unfairness of the fight, or maybe because he just fancied kicking some lion ass, I’m not sure, but he insisted on bursting forth.”

Xander laughed loudly, but it ended in a rasping cough, before he said, “Oh dear, another party interrupted. Did any lions survive?”

Aaron’s expression was sheepish. “They limped off, bloodied and badly wounded. All nine of them. My grizzly held back, I think to let them live with the shame, otherwise they would have been toast.”

“And, so, paying for the bar’s repair bills, I got to know dear Aaron. And we’ve been friends ever since.” Osric tipped more liquor. “And I’ve had a special hatred for those temple pricks ever since, too.”

Aaron leaned forward, the couch’s leather crinkling and squeaking under his weight. “Do you trust me, old friend?”

Osric scoffed. “With my life. Never doubt it. The professor and the prince, the eternal odd couple.”

Nodding, Aaron sighed hard. “Good. Because I’m about to tell you something, and if you even think about going out that door, I promise I’ll knock you out cold. Okay?”

Osric, in fact, all of us, were intrigued. “Okay, deal. The door is off limits.”

“Glad that’s settled.” Aaron’s eyes focused on Osric, but they also swept across the room before he said, “The guy who tried to kidnap Ceci, the guy we assume is Jack 2…he had the same temple tattoo on his inner wrist that I saw on one of those temple lions, before he shifted.”

The room sat in silence, digesting the implications, before Osric said in a calm voice, “Okay, then I’ll sleep, and when I’m sober, I’ll pay a visit to the nearest temple tomorrow.”

Aaron’s voice was harsh. “Don’t even—”

“To investigate. Not to barge in all guns blazing.”

Jax agreed. “I’m going too. They caused all that trouble on the field the other night. I saw the hatred in their eyes and heard the shit they were saying to Lyndon from the Stallions. If Jack 2 is targeting humans and half breeds, it could well be he’s in one of their so-called congregations.”

Aaron blew a hard exhale. “Fine. Then I’m going with you. Xander?”

He nodded, but stood, glugging from his can and placing it down, sighing, and stumbling slightly. “Yes, of course, anything for my little orchid. But I’m afraid I might have to go and find some fresh blood. Those cans are okay, but they’re not enough. I don’t want to be weak if we’re out looking for that Jack 2 shithead. Especially if there’s a chance of more mad shit like there was earlier tonight.”

He was looking fragile, taking unstable steps, his face growing extra pale. “Where will you go?” I asked, worried he wasn’t strong enough to be searching round for his sustenance.

Bending and taking my hand, he kissed it, the lips firm, but noticeably colder than they’d ever been. “Don’t worry, queen of my heart, I’ll come up with something.”

Trembling slightly, I extended my bare forearm, looking down at my wrist and then up at him. “Well, why don’t you just take what you need from me?”

Xander’s eyes bulged.

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