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Along with everyone else’s.


“Are you serious?” Xander asked. His eyes had flared wide in their sockets, fixed on my wrist, as he swept a lustful tongue along his bottom lip.

I breathed deeply, keeping my arm extended, adrenaline rifling through my reply, my words coming out in trembles. “We—well, yeah…yes. You need it. It’s much easier this way. At least you know my blood doesn’t have any dangerous diseases or drugs in it.”

Sitting beside me, he clasped my hand from underneath, sliding his other palm up and down my upturned forearm, his fangs lengthening as he scrutinized the blue lines crisscrossing under my skin. His irises were glinting, the scarlet tinge strengthening. “You shouldn’t feel obligated. Not every girl is into—”

“She’s not into it.” Osric stood up, cheeks pink and words strident. “Ceci, stop this, at once!”

“Yes. Ceci, you don’t need to—” Aaron got out before Jax cut him off.

“Ceci! Why would you do this?” Jax rushed over to us, from where he’d been frozen like a statute.

“Xander needs it and would never hurt me.” I scooted closer to Xander on the couch. “Now sit down. And be quiet, all of you.”

They all looked properly chastised. Osric and Jax sank to the couch, Jax ending up right next to me, so I was pressed between him and Xander. Aaron was still sitting but inclined his head.

“You’re right,” Jax agreed, gripping my hand. “Can I say something though?”

“Yes, just don’t act like this isn’t my choice. I care for you all so much, but I’m not a child.”

“I’m sorry.” Jax dropped his head, looking miserable, and I worried he wasn’t going to say what he’d wanted.

“What were you going to say?” I leaned into him a bit.

Jax had a haunted look in his eyes when he spoke. “I’ve seen vamps drain people dry. Both paranormals and humans. Never Xander.” He assured quickly. “Though he has pushed things before. But that’s not really fair to bring up right now. He’s different with you. I know he might really want your blood—probably more than he’s ever wanted anyone’s—but he won’t hurt you.” He gave Xander a long look then glanced back at me. “Just eat or drink something, to keep your blood sugar up, yeah?”

“That’s a good idea.” I squeezed his hand. “I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks. But you guys all have to realize. I make my own choices.”

They all gave grunts of agreement, even Osric and Xander.

“I’ll get orange juice.” Osric stood again, teetering to the kitchen as he spoke. “If you still insist on helping our vampire acquaintance.”

Xander was licking his lips enthusiastically now as he massaged the veins in my wrist. He spoke from the side of his mouth to Osric. “Acquaintance? I thought we were on the way to becoming friends.”

Osric poured a large glass of orange juice and handed it to me, patting Xander’s shoulder and speaking in his ear, “So did I. But if you cause her any harm, I can assure you, you’ll have more blood than you ever wished for.”

“Guys.” Xander glanced at each of them with a sincere expression. “I’m glad you’re here for this. And I assure you, I will do everything I can, to never hurt our beloved. But if something horrible happens, and I do get carried away. I know one of you will stop me.” He swallowed hard. “Do whatever it takes.”

I shook my head, not even able to process that something like that might be necessary.

Unlike me, Osric nodded. “I respect that, vamp.”

Osric sat down again as I had a gulp of the sweet juice. It was thick with zesty strands, and they coated my tongue and teeth deliciously. I wondered if fresh blood tasted anything as good to Xander.

From the look of anticipation on his face, I suspected it did. His fangs had lengthened ever further, spiking out of his mouth, the tips sharp as needles.

I had a brief moment of doubt. I was still convinced Xander would never hurt me, just like Aaron’s bear. But I didn’t want any other lingering effects. “Erm, this won’t, erm…change me, will it? Like, I won’t turn into a…”

Xander smiled widely. “No, never, my orchid. Vampires are born from vampire parents. All that stuff about them being turned is just myths and legends.” His eyes took on that teasing glint they frequently had. “But there is a rumor if you drink someone else’s blood yourself, right before sunrise and do a little dance…”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “No, I’ll skip that part, thank you.”

He chuckled. Voice husky and jaws wide, he asked, “Are you ready?”

I nodded. “Be gentle, please.”
