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We finished getting ready and presentable enough—I wanted to throw on more than just pajamas if it was someone I didn’t know, and a police officer and strong shifter, at that. I settled on a pair of jeans and blouse. Then we walked out together to find Osric entertaining a really handsome man in the living room.

He didn’t look like a cop. He certainly wasn’t wearing a uniform. He was dressed in black jeans, a blue T-shirt and black leather jacket (though actually it looked like shiny fake leather and I knew some shifters didn’t like wearing the real thing). The colors complemented his raven hair and dark skin. And he was huge. Like bodybuilder, street fighter huge. As large as Aaron, but this guy looked nothing like a super sexy academic. More like a super sexy superhero with his sharply defined jaw and the intense look in his dark eyes.

“I’m Detective Pierce. From the New Omaha Police Department,” he said in a deep voice. “But please feel free to call me Dagger.” He extended his hand to me first, tattoos peeking out from the sleeve of his jacket.

“Nice to meet you, Dagger.” I shook his large hand and we all introduced ourselves.

“Would it be okay if we sat down and had a chat?” he asked.

“Sure.” Aaron motioned toward the couches and Osric went to the kitchen to fetch drinks.

“So I know you guys were responsible for taking down Jack 2—thank you for that, by the way—and I have a case I think is connected. At least a bit. How much do you guys know about the Temple of the Pure Breed?”

We all glanced at each other, unsure of who wanted to answer.

“We know enough. A lot more than we’d like, unfortunately,” Aaron responded for us.

“Understood.” Dagger ran a hand through his thick hair. “So I think they’re wrapped up in some nasty business related to teens getting addicted to this new synthetic drug and showing up overdosed in New Omaha, and some other cities in New Nebraska too.” He took a deep breath. “And we know Jack 2 wasn’t working completely alone—he at least had that Fae supplying him with extra power, the one you guys mentioned in your statements to the NLPD. I know it’s a long shot, but have you guys remembered anything else that might help us find that Fae or another temple member who Jack 2 was close with?”

Jax, Aaron, Xander and I slowly shook our heads.

“Unfortunately,” Dagger continued, looking a bit disappointed by our response, “there are a lot of temple followers and we’re trying to sort the mostly harmless from the ones who may be up to something really dangerous.”

“I think I can help you with that last part, at least,” Osric said, returning with a tray of waters and whiskeys. After he’d served everyone a drink, he sat next to me, forcing Xander to scoot over with a huff. Then he turned to Dagger. “I’ve been following up on this powerful Fae fiend for weeks, with no luck in figuring out who he is. The NLPD were kind enough to share some correspondence they found between him and Jack 2. You’ve probably seen it too. And it appears, thankfully for us, the Fae didn’t really care as much about murdering humans and halfbreeds as he did about creating unrest around New Nebraska.”

“Yes, that’s my impression too,” Dagger agreed. “I just can’t figure out who may be behind all this new product on the streets. And if it’s related to that Fae at all. And I can’t get deeper into temple politics, beyond the obvious. Overseer Blunton and his wife, and the temple in general, aren’t very forthcoming about their leadership.”

“They’re not very forthcoming about a lot of things.” Osric clenched his glass of whiskey in his hand. “But I’m glad you care enough to dig. I’m sorry we’re not more of a help. What I can do is forward you some photos I took at their central temple location here in New Lincoln.”

“I’d appreciate that. Do you happen to know if anything in them points to any sort of connection with Bryce Harding?”

“The CEO of Midas? I checked out the leads in all the photos pretty thoroughly. And no connection to Harding. I mean, he’s a bit eccentric, like some of the temple followers. But he’s also insanely rich, and I think his introverted and harsh personality can be excused. That is when you take into account he’s probably never been touched in a pleasurable way in his entire life.” Osric took a sip of whiskey. “What would a guy like that be doing wrapped up in all this, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“The news station he owns—well, the news station that one of his businesses owns—has been doing a lot of pro-temple, biased reporting.”

“Hmm. Well, no connection that I know of. But I can still forward you those photos if you want to double check.”

“Doesn’t hurt. Thanks. I appreciate it.” Dagger stood and held out his hand.

Osric shook it.

Dagger turned to the rest of us. “Thanks so much to all of you. I’m really sorry to have called on you all so late. This case has been running me ragged.”

“It’s not a problem,” I assured him. “I know it’s a bit of drive here too. Feel free to call or email Osric anytime. We want to help if we can.”

Osric and Dagger exchanged information and we said our goodbyes to him and walked him to the door. He really seemed like a hardworking cop and a good guy too.

I hoped he would learn more about the drugs on the street in New Omaha, especially if it was affecting and hurting teens.

“Targeting kids? Shit people in the world,” Xander muttered as he shut the door.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. Aaron leaned into my back and hugged us both. Osric and Jax stepped in on either side, making our little group complete. “It just makes family and good people, joining together to do good things, all the more important,” I said.

My guys all murmured agreements and we squeezed each other tight, holding onto what was most important in this world. The happiness you find with those you love.
