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“Jasper,” my father begins. “Is your family here?”

“No, sir.” Jasper is quick to answer. “They couldn’t make it.” He doesn’t go into specifics about growing up in the system and having no family.

“Well, then, we’re your family this weekend. Anyone graduating law school deserves a celebratory dinner,” my mother explains.

He shifts his attention to me, then back to my parents, about to decline the offer. “Sorry, Jas, there’s no arguing with Martina Farmer once she gets an idea in her head.”

“Thank you very much. I appreciate the offer.”

My ma searches the crowd as Liz approaches, with fucking Xander in tow.

“Xander,” my ma chimes, bringing him into a hug because it’s just what Martina Farmer does. Liz mimics the same with me, and Jasper, who has seen the arguments Xan and I have during group studies, stands there, his mouth wide open.

“Congratulations, Jasper.” Xan extends his hand as if it’s easier to speak to Jasper and not me.

“Um, yeah, you, too. But I didn’t know your families were friends.”

My dad is the first to explain. “It’s just Marty and Liz. At the age of eight, it was apparent that Xander and Clark would never be friends.” My dad laughs at the memory, and I still hear my mother’s embarrassment in her voice as she explained our first and only playdate to my father. Dad’s words wereyou can’t make people like one another.

“Wait, you two grew up together. I thought you two didn’t mix well, but I guess there’s a history I don’t know about.”

“They hate each other, that’s for sure,” JJ says.

“Congrats, Clark,” Xander says after his mother jabs him, and with my mother next to me, I receive that same jab.

“Yeah, back at you, Xan,” I say so casually because he hates me shortening his name.

“So, what will you be doing, Xander? I heard you’re moving to England,” my mother asks, and fuck am I happy the Atlantic Ocean will separate us.

“Actually, after much discussion with my father, I’m staying in Minneapolis. Learning the ropes of the business.”

Well, at least he’ll be at Lynol Inc.

“Oh, in your father’s legal division?” my dad asks.

“No, I’ll be doing my obligatory work for the company on my own time. I really want to go into corporate law. Make a name for myself.”

In Minneapolis, there’s no making a name for himself. The name Lynol is more popular than the Minnesota football team.

“Oh, that’s great,” my ma says, looking at Liz.

“Yeah, we’re excited he was able to get on with Turner, Nash, and Soren last minute.”

I choke on air at the mention of my new company’s name. Jasper is also familiar with it, as he will be at their New York office.

“Wait.” My tone elevates without my permission, but I’m pissed off at this news in equal parts. My father’s hand on my shoulder is his way to calm me, but no fucking way am I calm. “Did you know, Lynol?” I ask, pulling out his last name.

“What? Farmer, I’m not following.”

How can he not know? We announced our plans in our study group, which he’s a part of. He was following his boyfriend. What the fuck happened?

“Turner, Nash, and Soren, is where I’m working?”

His eyes flash with surprise. “I thought you were going to work as a public defender?” he questions, wiping sweat off his brows.

“Why the hell would I do that? Like you, I want to be a corporate lawyer. Jen is working at the public defender’s office, not me.”

“Okay, boys,” my ma begins, standing between us. “Since it looks as if you’re destined to forever be in each other’s lives, there will be plenty of time to discuss this later.”
