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I can’t hold my laugh in. “You’re funny. Like when I don’t look at you with absolute wrath, your humor really comes through.”

“Look at you, Farmer. The compliments keep on coming. You’re making me blush.” His sarcasm is obvious. “What time does your flight leave in the morning?”

The topic change is sudden but I don’t read anything into it. “Five a.m.” I look over at the clock and it’s not even nine yet.

“Do you have anything in your hotel room?” he asks.

“Nah, haven’t even checked in yet. Everything has been shipped except two suitcases.”

Xan’s quiet, his finger caressing my arm. “Stay with me tonight. I know you’ll have to leave early but we have six hours. It’s not about sex, Clark. I just want to be with you.”

“Okay,” I answer but there’s so much I could say. The top one would be telling him there’s no other place I’d rather be than in his arms.

“Really, you’re not going to argue with me, Farmer?”

I let out a light chuckle. “There’s nothing to argue with you about. I agree. I wish I’d given into us earlier and we could have had all week.”

He drops a kiss on my head. “Fuck, Farmer, you say the sweetest things.”

“Look at you complimenting me, babe,” I quip, and babe just slips off my tongue.

“I love you calling me babe,” he replies, his voice low and his whisper tickles my neck.

“Yeah?” I ask as I turn around and straddle his waist.

“Yeah, Clark.” His lips are gentle as he begins kissing me. It’s not frenzied and we take our time exploring each other. “I.” Kiss. “Love.” Kiss. “Your.” Kiss. “Mouth.” Kiss.

“Same with you,” I answer between breaths.

There’s a lot I don’t say as we come up to breathe from time to time. I don’t say I want to continue this. We know what we want, but is it possible with the distance? I’m leaving and I’m unable to ask this of him. I don’t say I want to suck on his cock every night. Or that I want to come home to him, kiss him in the evenings, take him out on dates. I don’t say any of this. I only let him continue to kiss me until his hand reaches for my cock, and I push him down, my finger dancing around to his ass.

I can’t get enough of him. And my finger breaches his tight hole. He lets out a deep breath. “Please, Farmer. Please. I want everything with you tonight. Anything you’re willing to give me.”

“I want your ass. I want it so bad.”

“It’s yours, Clark. Fuck me.” And it’s what I do.

* * *

He’snaked but has a towel draped over each shoulder. I could watch him all night but it’s already eleven and I hope to get a couple hours of sleep. “What are you staring at?” Xan asks and I guess it’s obvious.

“You, if you must know,” I reply. We’d taken separate showers, and I beat him in order to go first. I’m naked in the bed but I’ll wait for him to find this out.

“Hey, Clark, could you do me a favor?” He slides into the bed as naked as I am.

“Yeah, what’s that, babe?” I ask, a smirk on my face because I can guess it’s something sexual.

“Don’t sneak out of here like this was a mistake. And although I have no idea where we go from here, don’t ever act as if we didn’t have a couple fantastic nights together. Sure, the hot sex was amazing but it’s more. And we might never be more than a few nights together, but it has meant something to me. And I think it has to you, too.”

His words stun me and I’m not sure how to respond. He’s not wrong. We are more than a cheap roll in the hay. “I was scared. How can I hate you one moment and then the next moment not want to let you go?”

“Is that a yes, then?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’ll wake you up before I leave for the airport.”

His hand reaches behind my head and cups it, bringing it to his line of sight. “I was scared, too. And I don’t know what this means for us.”

He wants a promise, something to let him know I’ll wait or we’ll weather the long distance. I can’t give it to him. We’re too new but I’ve never been addicted to another as I am to Xander Lynol.
