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He snickers because he was the son who was gifted with working with his hands, whereas I was always a little awkward, clumsy, and accident-prone. “Well, your help is better than no help.”

It had never been my gifting, but it didn’t stop Dad from putting me to work.

We’re quiet as he opens the door to the mansion I’ve never been in. It’s everything you expect with the Lynol last name, but it’s stuffy and not Xan’s taste.

“Hey, Clark, I’m heading to the kitchen to find Ma.” He follows a waitress to the back part of the house, and I’m left alone in the foyer. To the left of the entryway is a lot of chatter and clanking of dishes. I assume this is where the vast majority of attendees are. Still, before I can take a turn, a large hand grabs my arm, tugging me into what looks like an office, shutting the door with his foot. I know his touch as I swing around to see a side of Xan I don’t recognize. But, I acknowledge the sadness and loss in his eyes. It’s how I was for several months after my father’s death.

“You came.” He falls into my arms, but I’m there to catch him.

“I texted you saying I would,” I whisper into his ear, gently caressing his back.

“I broke my phone, then really didn’t want anyone to call me, to tell me how sorry they are, when nothing will bring back my mother.” He’s quiet for a beat, and I let this silence pass through us. He doesn’t need words but simply a listening ear. “Except you, but without my phone, I didn’t know how to get ahold of you. I tried your secretary, and she said you’d be back Monday.” He’s holding onto me, and I don’t plan on pulling away. I’m the comfort he needs, and fuck do I remember how dark the first several days without my dad were. “When I saw you out of the corner of my eye, I wanted to come to you, but I wouldn’t do that. And, Clark—thank you.”

“Were you waiting for me?” I ask, wondering how he was in this room when I walked in.

“Your mom approached me before heading to the kitchen, telling me quietly that you were on your way in. I wanted to be alone with you.”

His grip around my shoulders is firm, like no one can break us apart.

“I’ll go home with Ma. I want to make sure she’s okay. But, I’m not leaving you alone tonight. You staying at the estate?”

“Yeah, I’m too tired to drive back to the city,” he answers, but I’ve yet to ask him the only question that matters.

“Stupid question, but how are you doing?” My hand begins massaging his head, and his hair is longer than he typically wears it.

“If anyone knows, it’s you, right?” He’s quiet and neither one of us lets go of the other, but I lean back enough to look into his beautiful eyes.

“I do, baby, and fuck, I hurt for you knowing the grief you’re sifting through.” My eyes begin to water. No one wants to see the person they love hurt like this. Fuck. Did I say love? Could it be?

“I don’t want to go back out there and play nice with everyone. Most of the men hated my dad, which is fair. But they say sorry for your loss when they aren’t sorry. They’re glad, and there’s the little matter of me taking over the company.”

I’d not thought about the future of Lynol Inc. He’d never mentioned in Lyle’s death he’d take over, but it makes sense.

“If you don’t want to go out there, just don’t,” I offer but he laughs and pulls back a little, kissing my forehead.

“You’re so cute, and fuck have I missed you, but this world is so much different than the one you grew up in, baby. I want a life like yours, but my dad’s world is ruthless. And that fucker, Timothy Braydon is buttering me up, acting as if I don’t suspect him of being as dirty as my father was.”

He’s right. I know nothing of his world, and I remember the run-in Xan had told me about with this Braydon fuck. “Well, let’s get out there then.”

His lips meet mine, and where I think it will be a quick kiss, his tongue deepens in my mouth, and he takes over, his hand running down my chest, my abs, and then to my groin. I grow with his touch, and with it, a groan leaves my mouth. “I could fuck you right here, baby.” Xan pulls back to say these words. “But I couldn’t be quiet, not for a moment, so I better go before I say fuck it.”

He brings out what looks like a new phone. “Micah just brought it to me before the service. I still have you in here, from backing up my files from the Cloud. I’ll text you when I can sneak away from all these greedy bastards.”

He slips out of the room but through a different door than he pulled me through. I wait a few minutes and check my phone when a text comes through, having changed his programmed name.

Xander:All Clear. BTW—you being here—I don’t have the words.

His text makes my lips quirk at the sides, but when another text comes through, I understand I will be caught if I don’t get out there.

JJ:Where the hell are you? I stick out like a sore thumb with all these rich bastards.

I decide it’s now or never and slip out of the door I came through, bumping into Micah, Xan’s childhood best friend.

“Farmer, surprised to see you.” I hope he doesn’t ask me what I’ve been doing in the library.

“Yeah, safe to say after a guy saves your life, you let everything from the past go.”

Micah is a good-looking man. Unlike Xan, Micah has black hair and piercing, almost-black eyes. With a quirk of an eyebrow, I wonder if he believes me. I don’t care one way or another, but right now, it’s not about me.
