Page 68 of The Vampire's Claim

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Dmitri would know. He would know that she’d betrayed them.

And so what?The rebellious part of her asked.What has he done to earn my loyalty?

Nothing. He’d used the girls’ safety to manipulate her into his bed and keep her there. Now, he was willing to throw away her life to further his position and influence in the Organization.

But she couldn’t abandon Emily or the others. If she refused to kill Julian, would Dmitri still honor their deal? After all, she’d said she wouldn’t put her life in unnecessary danger. And this certainly counted as unnecessary danger. Even if she tried to kill Julian—the very thought anathema to her being—there was no guarantee of success. Julian might kill her. Or another vampire would.

Maybe he planned on her demise, then he wouldn’t have to free anyone. Damn it. She should’ve told Emily about the deal.

Her time was up. Leah looked up and watched Julian’s descent, his powerful wings spread wide behind him.

He was magnificent. His muscular body exuded power and sex, his eyes an ice-blue that pierced her soul. His midnight wings, extending five feet on each side and half as tall at the highest points, marked him as a fallen angel.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. No, she couldn’t kill him. But was that the mating bond talking, or did she truly feel something for him? For a vampire?

“What’re you doing here?” Her voice was steady. She forced herself to loosen her death grip on the purse, to convince Julian and herself that there wasn’t a whirlwind of emotions within her.

“I thought you’d left.”

Her heart skipped a beat. Did he follow her because he hadn’t wanted her to leave? Even after last night? Or was it because she was his mate, and he couldn’t help it? Just as she couldn’t help the tug in her chest? If she felt trapped, how must he feel? He’d had a thousand years of freedom, and out of nowhere to be saddled with a mate?

“I needed time to think.”


“Gabriella told me.”

“I see.” His expression was inscrutable. Leah wished she could read his mind. “You were right last night,” he continued after a moment of silence. “You didn’t have a choice. It just so happens that I was not the one to take it away.”

“No.” She nodded. He’d done his best to give her a choice. Let her walk away. More than anyone else had done for her. “You didn’t have a choice either.”

The lips that had featured prominently in her dreams the last few weeks curved. “On the contrary, I do.”

Right. He had to complete the bond. If he chose not to, then it meant nothing that fate brought them together.

Even now, he still held all the power, except Gabriella’s words returned to her. She had just as much power over him. The question was, what did she want?

“Yes, and you made your choice clear last night.”

Her heart aching, Leah walked up to him until their bodies touched, his heat searing away the numbness. She loved the solid feel of him. He was all hard planes and carved ridges compared to her curves. Where the mere presence of his power had scared her before, she now reveled in it wrapped around her.

It made her feel safe.


She traced his lips with her finger, the only soft part of him on his granite face. He hadn’t moved, hadn’t touched her, but his eyes, glittering in the darkness with predatory intent, tracked her every movement, the smoldering heat in them lending her courage. He might not want to claim her as his mate, but he wanted her, and she wanted him. Why couldn’t things just be simple?

Maybe it could. For one night, she’d like to forget about Dmitri, about the Organization, about her responsibilities, and live for herself for once.

“One night. Give us this one night.”

Placing her hands on his shoulders, she stood on her toes and kissed him. He tensed but didn’t stop her. His lips were soft and warm and unresponsive, but she didn’t let that stop her. Leaning her full weight on him, she pressed up against him and cupped his face with both of her hands while deepening the kiss. She nipped and teased and traced his lips, sensing every touch was destroying his control.

Pulling back, she rubbed her thumbs over his beard. Her breasts tingled, recalling how they’d rubbed against her skin. Her eyes holding his, her heart thundering, she whispered, “Julian Blackmore, I want you, and I am tired of waiting.”

A savage growl rumbled up from his chest. Leah reveled in the sound, reveled in the fact that she was the cause. He gripped the nape of her neck and devoured her lips with his. Her heart leaped to her throat in exhilaration, her mind blanking when his other hand grabbed her ass and jerked her close until his erection rubbed against her stomach. An unquenchable fire exploded in her veins.

It was too much, too fast, but not enough.
