Page 69 of The Vampire's Claim

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His kiss was bruising, his mouth and tongue demanding. She met him stroke for stroke, no longer holding back. They gasped for air when he pulled away. He caught her face in his large hands and made her look at him. Red circled his irises.

His voice was low and dark and reverberated with something else, something more than human, when he spoke, “I’m only asking this once. Is this what you want?”


No more doubt. No more thinking. Only him.


Leah buried her hands in his hair and kissed him. She rubbed against him, unable to stop herself, impatient to feel his skin against hers.

She felt the wind from his wings the second before her feet left the ground. The sensation shocking, she broke the kiss as Julian slid an arm under her knees and cradled her against his chest.

“What’re you doing?”

He chuckled, a sensual sound sending delicious shivers down her spine. “You didn’t think I’d take you there? Against the wall?”

She hadn’t thought about it at all. “Would that have been so bad?”

A red sheen came over his eyes. Vampire. “Is that what you want?”

No fear. Only a growing ache between her legs. She pretended to think about it. “A bed would be nice.”

Leah loved feeling his laugh rumble down his chest. When she leaned her head against his chest, she could hear his slow and steady heartbeat.

“Is it strange?” she asked.


“Your heartbeat. Gabriella told me that’s how you know. Your heart started beating again.”

He grunted. “Yes. I couldn’t remember how it had felt. Back then.”

Leah, for one, enjoyed the sound. It reminded her of him, steady as a rock. It was unfair that her own heart was going a thousand miles a second, while his was even and controlled. Determined to see if she could change that, she pulled herself up using her arms and planted little kisses along his rough jawline.

His carnal growl egged her on. She took her sweet time kissing from his jawline to his neck, nibbling here and there and rejoicing in the moans that her actions elicited. He tasted like the forest, earthy and wild and beautiful all at once. When she reached the curve of his neck, she felt the strong beat of his heart, a beat that had quickened.

Her lips curved against his flush skin.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” His voice had deepened to a husky growl.


She wanted to explore every nick and cranny of him. A wicked thought occurred to her. Well, no time like the present. They’d entered the city proper. Even with Julian flying at breakneck speed and the city blurring by beneath them, they still had time until they reached the Central Tower.

Secure in the knowledge that Julian would not drop her, she unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his muscular chest slowly like unwrapping a present.

“What’re you doing?”

“Enjoying myself.”

The woman will be the death of me.

Leah continued to plant soft kisses on Julian’s shoulder blade, her breasts pressing into him. She was liquid warmth in his arms, and he hated every second that kept him from taking her. Thankfully, the Central Tower came into view.Almost there.He gritted his teeth, his cock jerking with each kiss on his chest.

When her hot mouth closed over his nipple, they dropped a few feet in the air before he remembered to beat his wings.

The minx had the gall to look up at him with a wicked smile.
