Page 26 of Rent a Hitman

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Not today, though. Today I know what I want: the sweet little cat who needs a forever home with us. “I have a good feeling about this,” I whisper while we wait at the front desk. “She spoke to me.”

“The cat.”


“Spoke to you?”

“Didn’t I just say that?”

“Through the computer.”

“The moment I saw her on the shelter’s Facebook page, our souls connected.” He doesn’t get it—or he pretends not to. God forbid the hardened hitman admits he has a thing for animals. Even animals who scratch him every day out of jealousy.

“You know, if you keep adopting animals like this, we’ll need a bigger apartment.” He slides his arms around me from behind, leaning down to murmur in my ear. “Maybe one with a second bedroom we could devote to playing.”

Even now, out in public, my pussy moistens at the idea. “If we had a second bedroom, I’d want to turn it into a library to fit all my books.”

“Why not both? Bookshelves on the walls for you, a spanking bench, and a swing in the middle of the room for both of us.”

“We’ll talk about it.” One of the volunteers waves us back, and waiting for us is Cleo, cowering in a crate. My heart melts at the sight of her big green eyes. She’s mine. End of story.

Talon approaches the crate while I ask all the pertinent questions to confirm she’s fixed and has had her shots. “Her owners had to move across the country, and their new place doesn’t allow animals,” the girl explains. “But Cleo was loved. She’s in great health and came from a household with other animals.”

I’m listening to her but watching Talon. I’m almost afraid to breathe—it might break the spell. He’s crouching beside the crate, studying the cat while she studies him. Eventually, he pokes a finger through the plastic bars, and she takes an experimental lick before purring loudly enough to surprise the volunteer into silence.

“She likes you. You’re the first person she’s paid any attention to since she got here.”

Talon can pretend all he wants, but this pleases him. He stands, one hand wrapped around the crate’s handle. “We’re ready to go. What else do we need to do?”

Just like that. I bite my lip to hide a smile before signing the paperwork. It’s only when we’re outside that I clear my throat. “So. You’re suddenly a fan of the idea?”

“She needs us.” He’s so sure of himself, the way he is when it comes to just about everything. “We came to an understanding in there.”

“What? You mean the cat spoke to you?” I tease. “Because the last time I checked, you were giving me a raft of crap about that.”

“Laugh all you want.” He finally cracks a grin. “Come on. Let’s go home and introduce her to the family.”

Yes, because that’s what we are. I’ve stopped trying to make sense of it. All that matters is how I feel. The fact is, I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Happier than I ever imagined being. For once, I have the family I want, the family that warms my heart and makes me feel like I have a home.

When you find something like that, you can’t overthink it. All you can do is hold on tight.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to do—for the rest of my life.

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