Page 69 of Reckless Deal

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I sway a bit, glaring at my friend. Piano lounge music plays in the corner, people are just getting ready to take their seats, and I’m… well, if Nora is right… kind of drunk.

“Nothing is going on,” I snap, and reach for the glass the bartender slid my way, but my hand collides with Conrad’s and he snatches it from me. “Fuck you.”

“Fuck you right back, dickhead.” He stares me down. I would win. I always do, but the swaying continues, and besides, I don’t give a shit about his opinion.

“I’ll go mingle for a moment and the two of you talk.” Nora kisses his cheek and looks at me like I’m a lost puppy in need of adoption.

Conrad orders a glass of whiskey and pushes my tumbler back to me. “Talk to me, bro. Have you lost money, made a wrong move with a takeover?”

The concern in his voice pisses me off. “Not everything is about business and money.” I shake my head and the bar tilts a bit. Okay, perhaps I drank more than I realized.

“Fuck me. Now I know something is wrong. Your lifeisyour work. What’s going on?”

I glare at him, but I need to get this shit off my chest, because it’s been fucking three weeks and I can’t seem to move past the damn rejection.

I called her, I sent her gifts, I even waited in front of her house, but Mila pretends I don’t exist. She doesn’t give me a chance to explain. To talk about it.

Women have been squealing over my presents and attention, plotting to get a commitment from me for years, and I fucking propose and she runs.

She quit the job with the Wings the same day she stormed from my place. Now I’m worried about her struggling financially, as much as she’s not my problem anymore.

Only she is. I paid for the whole month of nursing support for her sister and instructed the agency to insist that it’s non-refundable.

“I bought the event management company.” I take a sip.

Conrad raises his eyebrow and laughs. “And it’s giving you a headache like the stupid retail chain?”

“Fuck you.” I take another swig of my drink. “I bought it for a woman, and she got offended.”

The idiot laughs even harder. I should have stayed home. “So, you finally met a woman who doesn’t want you for your money. Why are you sulking then?”

“She won’t talk to me anymore.” I grab his lapels. “Fuck her. I don’t need her.”

He pats my shoulder. “Based on the state of you, that’s where you’re wrong. I’m guessing she’s the one you took to St. Martin, so let me run the facts. You’ve never taken anyone to my Caribbean paradise. You haven’t spent more than a few hours with a woman since we-know-who.

“Not only did you take this one for a weekend getaway, you extended the getaway by a few more days. Unheard of, given that you never take a break. You bought a company for her, and now you’re drinking your sorrow because she’s gone.”

“Other women would have loved the gesture. I told her she’s my equal and took care of her money issues.”

“And took away her pride and equated your relationship to a business deal. Yeah, sorry to break it to you, but women don’t see it that way.”

Her pride?Here, I pay for your problems, and you stay with me.Fucking idiot. “I could never be sure a woman wants me for me, and I guess she does. Did. Used to. Fuck.”

“Grovel, my friend. It looks like she’s worth it.” Conrad pats my back.

* * *

“What do you want, Paris? I’m late,” I snap into the phone.

Two more weeks have passed, and Mila still hasn’t answered the phone. Snapping at people is my current modus operandi. The only way I know how to dazzle a woman is gifts, so I really don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do. She’s hiding from me, and I’m a desperate man.

It’s been a month, and this morning when I fisted my cock, I realized jerking off to the memories of her is somehow unfair to her. So now I’m brimming with sexual frustration on top of everything else.

If she doesn’t give a shit about my efforts to mend things, I’m giving up. Tonight. I’m going out with Claudia @whatever-the-fuck-her-handle-is. She’s dull as hell, but she’s decent in the sack. She’ll bounce me back, and I can return to my normal life.

“Wow, you’re in a worse mood than usual. What’s going on?”

“For fuck’s sake, Paris, you called me!” I leave my bedroom to grab my keys. I haven’t driven my Lambo since St. Martin.
