Page 34 of Encore

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"By accident," Asia replies quickly. "Last night he was heading out of the toilet, and I was trying to enter. I got an eyeful of his dick jewellery. Believe me, it's not something I'll forget in a hurry. That thing looked fucking lethal.”

“He’s got a pierced dick?” Clancy asks, her face lighting up in amusement. “The saucy old bugger.”

“Hey, enough of the old,” Grim counters, smothering a smile as we all look at her in a mixture of disbelief and awe. No wonder she’s happy with just the one dick when it comes with added features. “He’s in his prime, thank you very much.”

"NowI understand why the thought of more dicks is a no go for you, sis. You’ve been getting fucked by the Rolls Royce of dicks all this time!" Christy exclaims, clearly tickled by the thought.

“Oh my god, Christy, donottell him he has the Rolls Royce of dicks, his head will get so large he won’t fit through the door,” Grim pleads.

“By the sounds of it, your door is big enough to accommodate the largest of heads,” Christy quips, waggling her eyebrows.

“Jesus, fucking christ,” Grim mutters, and we all fall about laughing once again.

“Seriously though,” Asia says after we calm down a bit, “Some days I’m just exhausted with all the dicks.”

“Surely not. You love your guys,” Christy says.

“Of course I love them, but you know how it is. If you’re men are anything like mine, they’re horny fuckers most of the time, and whilst I enjoy having a lot of sex, sometimes I could just use a good night's sleep,” Asia explains, pulling a face that has us all giggling.

"I'm telling you ladies you need to include another woman in your harem. She can take up some of the slack," Clancy points out.

"Are you offering?" Grim asks, nudging Clancy with her elbow.

Clancy offers her a wink back. "Hey, I've got my hands full with River and Lola. Besides, Pen turned me down the last time I offered to help her out, didn’t you, Pen?"

"Damn straight I did, you horny bitch. I'm a little territorial when it comes to my men, and as much as I love you, Clancy, I'm not sharing them," I say adamantly.

"Your loss." Clancy shrugs, shooting me a wink so I know she's only joking with me, and that she’d never overstep where my men are concerned. Besides, she's so stupidly in love with Lola and River, that she wouldn’t dream of upsetting the balance of their incredible relationship.

“Don’t listen to Clancy,” I say, waving away the ridiculous idea, because if Asia is anything like me and Christy I know she wouldn’t want to share her men with another woman despite everything she’s said. “There are other ways to deal with your situation.”

“Oh yeah? What's the solution?" Asia asks, “Because my v-jay-jay needs a well-earned holiday.”

“A schedule," I reply, deadly serious. "One that includes you getting a night off every week."

“A schedule?” Asia smirks. “Youhave a schedule?”

“Wehave a schedule,” I correct. “Each of my guys has a dedicated night a week alone with me, and then we spend two nights together as a group, and then I have a night to myself. Like tonight for example. It's worked so far.”

“Well, shit, that seems so...simple. Why didn't I think of it before?"

“It works for us. There’s no harm in giving it a try,” I offer.

Asia shifts forward in her seat, her purple streaked hair a sleek curtain that falls forward over her shoulder as she moves. “As soon as I’ve got a moment alone with the guys, I'm going to have a chat with them about it. Thanks, Pen."

"You're welcome." I grin and reach for an olive, popping it in my mouth before immediately spitting it out into my hand. Eww, tastes foul. Must be off. I pop it into the napkin on the table, thankful no one’s noticed the fact I nearly threw up.

"Okay, so now we've got that sorted," Grim says, turning her attention back to me. "How's the choreography going with you and the guys? I'm not gonna lie. I'm excited to see you perform together again."

"Wait, you are?When?" Clancy asks, snapping her eyes to mine. "That's great news!"

I smile softly, loving their enthusiasm. "The weekend after next we’re hosting a dance competition at Twisted Bullet. We're not entering, but we are performing that night."

"George and Sebastian will be dancing too, in Rose and Ivan's troupe," Asia blurts out, a look of pure pride crossing her features.

"They are? You didn't mention it," I reply.

"We wanted it to be a surprise, but I guess I let the cat out of the bag,” Asia laughs with a shrug.
