Page 48 of Encore

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“Is everything okay?”Xeno asks as we step back into the flat, our clothes stuck to our skin, completely drenched from the rain. He leans back against the kitchen island, placing the dishcloth on the draining board. Dinner has been cleared, and the dishes washed and stacked on the side.

“It will be,” Kid replies, squeezing my hand tightly. Her faith in me, her love, it’s humbling.

“Good. Are you hungry? I made sure York didn’t eat your dinner too,” he says with a wry smile, motioning toward the two covered plates on the counter.

“Not right now. I think we could both use a shower,” I say, wrapping my arm around Kid’s shoulder and giving her arm a rub. She’s shivering now, her teeth clacking from the cold.

“Where are York and Zayn, anyway?” Kid asks as she wraps her arm around me, trying to keep warm.

“Sophie called. Something cropped up with the build at Chastity Nightclub. Zayn and York have gone to sort it out,” Xeno explains.

“Should we be worried?” Kid asks.

“No, it’s just a refit issue in one of the VIP rooms. They won’t be long.”

“Okay, that’s a relief,” Kid murmurs, sensing the atmosphere change in the room.

We both know Xeno struggles to deal with emotional stuff, not because he doesn’t care but because he cares too much. Supporting me today took a lot of courage, but I’m feeling a little too vulnerable right now to give him the reassurance he needs.

“They’re worried about you, Dax…” He hesitates, smoothing a hand through his hair before saying, “I’m worried.”

“I know, and I’m sorry to concern you all.” My throat bobs as I drop my gaze. Fuck I’m emotional today.

“Don’t be sorry,” Xeno interjects, pushing off the counter. “How we deal with this is on us. Not you. We worry because we love you. You know I get tangled up in all those feelings because I’m fucked up.”

“You’renotfucked up. You just handle things differently,” Kid says, her voice full of so much love as he approaches us both. Honestly, some days I don’t know how she does it, handling all of our emotional needs, not to mention our physical and mental needs. She never complains, is always so fucking compassionate and patient. We’re fucking lucky to have her.

Pulling her closer into my side, I drop a kiss to her damp hair. “Kid helped me to see a little clearer, and I think I’m going to be okay. You just got to bear with me, while I work through this,”

Xeno nods, reaching for the back of my head as he brings his forehead to mine. “We’ll be there every step of the way. I love you, Dax,” he says, and I feel it, his love.

It’s intense, fierce, yet comforting all in the same breath. He’s always looked out for us, and when I think back to all the shit we’ve gone through over the years as friends, asbrothers, I know it must’ve been so fucking hard on him to deal with in the early days when we didn’t know how much he suffered or the best way we could help him cope with his overwhelming emotions.

“We love you too,” I reply, breaths mingling, meaning it wholeheartedly.

Our love has evolved over the years. It began as friendship then developed into a brotherly love, and now it’s something infinitely deeper. I don’t want to put a label on it, because love in any form doesn’t need an explanation. What we share is unique to the five of us and so long as we’re all happy then that’s all that matters to me.

“You know, you should really take that shower, I don’t want either of you getting sick like York,” he says after a beat.

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Want to join us?” I ask, knowing he needs physical reassurance in this moment as much as I do. Besides, Kid needs his love as much as we need each other.

“If that’s okay with Tiny,” he replies, searching her gaze.

She smiles up at us both, taking our hands in hers. “Of course it is. Come on,” she says, guiding us both across our living space and into the hallway beyond.

A few minutes later I step under the warmth of the spray, groaning as it hits my chest. With my hand pressed against the tile, I duck my head beneath the water, enjoying the gentle massage it gives my neck and shoulders.

“Can I wash you?” Kid asks, stepping into the shower unit behind me. When Kid moved in five years ago we had one of our four bathrooms converted into a huge shower room, removing the bath and extending the shower so it could fit the five of us comfortably. With five separate shower heads, and a bench running the length of the wall, we’ve had a lot of fun in this space.

“Please,” I reply, remaining where I am, needing to feel the reassurance of her touch.

As soon as her palms rest against my shoulders, her fingers massaging the tense muscles there, I let out a low groan. “Fuck, that feels good, baby,” I say as her hands move down my spine, massaging gently as she goes. When her fingers dig into my lower spine, her hands smoothing over my arse, squeezing the muscle, my cock stiffens,

“What do you need?” she asks, her voice soft, full of promise.

I turn beneath the spray, gripping my cock and sliding my fist from the tip to the base as I look down at her. Water cascades over her breasts from the shower head to her left, and behind her, leaning against the far wall is Xeno. He watches us both, gaze heated, his cock long and hard.

“Control,” I say simply. “Right now I need control.”

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