Page 61 of Encore

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Right now Gray’s standing at the bar chatting with Eastern and Sonny, two of Asia's men, as well as Dax and Xeno, and there’s no denying his happiness. He’s like a different man.

“I’m pretty sure I know exactly what Lena did to put a smile on Gray’s face,” York jokes, winking at Lena whilst Beast starts handing out the drinks he brought over from the bar.

Even beneath the dim lighting of the club, I can see how Lena’s cheeks flush crimson. Reaching over, I give her hand a squeeze in sympathy. "He'll tire of it eventually," I whisper.

She gives me a withering look that tells me she doesn’t believe that for one second.

"I think you'll find that talent lies with Christy," Leon pipes up, slinging his arm over the back of Christy's chair. She’s busy talking in hushed tones with Asia on her left.

"What's my talent?" Christy asks, looking at Leon–one of her partners–who leans in and presses a kiss against her cheek.

"Knowing what Lena did to put a smile on Gray's face," Jakub replies for him, almost bored.

His lack of expression when conversing has always been unnerving, even after all these years of knowing him. Still, I can’t fault his love for Christy, and if he provides her what she needs out of a relationship, then who am I to judge?

"On this occasion, I don't think we need Christy's skills to get insight into what's made Gray so happy," Asia grins, taking her cocktail from Beast with a smile. “The guy has most definitely had his cake and eaten it.”

"Not you too," Lena groans, reaching for her own drink and knocking back a healthy mouthful.

“Hey, I’m just stating a fact. We’ve all got eyes.”

“Can we all just stop hyperfocusing on mine and Gray's relationship? You all must lead such terribly boring lives to have so much interest in our sex life.”

“You do realise I have four boyfriends, right?” Asia counters lightheartedly.

“Yeah, and I heard a rota’s on the cards because your vagina can’t hack the regular pounding it’s been getting,” Lena throws back.

York practically chokes on his drink, and Zayn laughs until I elbow him in the side. I groan internally, Asia is going to think I’ve been talking about her behind her back, and I wasn’t. Lena caught me chatting to Grim about the conversation we all had together at her house, and questioned me about it afterwards. There was nothing catty in it, just merely me discussing what it’s like having four boyfriends, and how much of a juggle it can be.

“A rota?” Camden asks, quiet until now. Like Zayn he’s been keeping an eye on the criminals surrounding us, but this conversation has certainly helped to refocus his attention.

“That was private!” Asia accuses, flicking her gaze between me and Lena, before throwing Camden, her boyfriend, a sheepish look.

“Yeah, and so is my and Gray’s sex life,” Lena retorts, her brows lifting in challenge.

Asia pulls a face, suitably chastised. "You’ve got a point. Sorry, Lena.”

“So, a rota?” Camden questions, his turquoise eyes glinting with amusement as he drops a kiss to Asia’s temple. “Want to elaborate?”

“It’s just a thought,” Asia shrugs. “Pen mentioned it.”

“Oh yeah?” Camden looks over at me, then across to Zayn on my right. “You have a rota?”

“Seems to work for us,” he replies with a shrug like it’s no big deal, because it isn’t.

Camden nods as his eyes meet Leon’s across the table. “Doyouhave a rota?”

Leon shakes his head. “No. We fuck together,” he deadpans.

“You don’teverwant to have time alone with Christy?” Asia asks, her curiosity peaked.

“We do spend time alone with Christy, but not tomake love,” Jakub corrects Leon, his thumb rubbing across Christy’s knuckles as he speaks. “That we prefer to do together.”

“You know the thought of another man’s hands on my woman is enough to send me psycho,” Beast says, shaking his head. “Fuck that.”

“Send you psycho? Beast, you alreadyarea psycho,” York points out. “A loveable one, granted, but a psycho nevertheless.”

“If anyone were to touch Grim, their hands would be cut off and shoved up their arse before they could even blink,” Beast continues, a scowl forming on his face.
