Page 69 of Encore

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"Holy shit. Holy shit, Pen!!" Zayn gasps suddenly, his eyes locked onto mine as he drops to his knees and embraces me tightly.

"We're going to have a baby," I repeat, a happy sob escaping my lips as we hug each other tightly.

“This is the best news!” Zayn exclaims, his laughter and joy triggering something in the others until one by one they each react to the news.

York is next to snap out of his trance, fist pumping the air, he cries, "I'm going to be a dad!" Then he grabs Dax’s shoulders, giving him a little shake. “We’regonna be dads, Dax!”

“Kid, this is… This is fucking incredible!” Dax says, throwing his arms around York and slapping him on the back before nudging Zayn out of the way and giving me a hug too. His lips meet my ear, and he says, “Kid, I fucking love you.”

“All the more reason to go to the hospital,” Xeno adds, and my eyes meet his over Dax’s shoulder. He looks absolutely terrified, and I know it’s not because he doesn’t want to be a dad, but because he’ll already be head over heels in love with the tiny foetus inside of me, and equally as terrified of losing it.

Shifting position, I push to my feet, allowing Dax and Zayn to help me stand. I feel completely fine, but I allow them this after giving them such a shock. Before I can reach Xeno, York pulls me into his arms, his tear-soaked laughter tugging at my heart.

“You are the most incredible woman, Pen Scott, and you’re going to be the most perfect mum. I can’t wait to be a dad.”

“I can’t wait for us to be parents either,” I reply, cupping his cheek and pressing my lips against his. He gives me another quick hug before letting me go to Xeno.

“Xeno?” I question gently.

“This is…” he mumbles, searching my face as I reach up and cup his cheeks.

“This is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to us. Don’t be afraid.”

“But Iamafraid,” he admits, dropping his gaze to my stomach, his fingers pressing gently against it.

“We’ll work through this together. I’m okay. We’ll be okay,” I say, pressing my hand against his, holding it against my stomach relishing the warmth as his fingers rub gently over my skin.

“We’re going to have a baby,” he whispers, and when his eyes meet mine they’re brimming with tears.

“Yes we are,” I nod, laughing as he hauls me against his chest and Dax, York and Zayn all pile in until I’m squashed between them in a huge group hug.

“You might want to give her space to breathe,” Cynthia laughs. “Oxygen is terribly important for mother and child.”

They all step back, grinning stupidly as Cynthia steps towards me, taking both my hands in hers.

“If you’re okay with it. I’ll pop over to see you before the performance next week. I’ve got some stuff you can take that will help with your symptoms and will also help promote a healthy pregnancy. I’ll ask Connall to bring it with him when he comes with Faith.”

“Thank you, I’d appreciate that,” I reply, hugging her to me.

“Oh no, there’ll be no performance now,” Xeno says, shaking his head as we pull apart.

“Why ever not?” I reply, frowning as the others exchange looks.

“You’re pregnant.”

“Yes, I’m pregnant. I’m not sick, Xeno. Dancing isn’t going to hurt the baby, is it?” I ask, looking to Cynthia for reassurance.

“At this stage, absolutely not. Might get a bit trickier in the final trimester. Believe me, carrying another human life tends to get a bit cumbersome especially if, like me, you're prone to birthing giants. At that point I’d recommend gentle exercise, lots of stretching to keep supple and aslowdance or two.” she suggests.

“See,” I say, relieved that it won’t affect our performance next week.

When Xeno opens his mouth to protest, I shake my head. “We’re going ahead. I need this, Xeno. Wealldo.”

“Just keep your fluids up, eat regular healthy meals, and rest when you need to,” Cynthia advises. “There’s no need to stop doing what you love, just be sensible about it.”

“Are you sure this is okay?” Dax asks, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

Cynthia rests her hand on his arm, squeezing gently. “Women have been carrying babies and kicking arse since the beginning of time. We’re not fragile.”
