Page 8 of Encore

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A protective man.

A man who’s willing to die for the woman he loves.

It’s why this whole Daddy vibe works for Dax. He may only be a year or so older than me, but he has always been fiercely protective of the people he loves, a natural leader. He’s compassionate, emotionally available, loving in a way that makes me always feel so safe. It suits him. Plus he’s sexy as fuck, and domineering in a way that makes me want to surrender to him.

“Kid, don’t make me come over there,” he warns.

“What’s going to happen if I do?” I tease, my fingers trailing slowly over my chest and the slight curve of my tummy, towards the thin strip of neatly trimmed hair covering my pussy. Teasing him is my second favourite past time next to perusing his body. I like being a brat, especially if it gets him going.

“I’ll have to put you over my knee and spank your arse for disobeying me.”

“Is that so?” My cheeks heat.

“You better believe it, Kid,” he replies with a smirk, before twisting on his heel and giving me the perfect view of my favourite part of his body aside from his beautiful face,hisarse.

“Okay, Daddy,” I agree, chewing on my lip to hide my smile.

“And don’t go falling asleep before I’m washed up. I want the pleasure of fulfilling my promise and making you come so hard you pass out,” he throws over his shoulder, before moving out of sight.

I can’t help it, I laugh. A feeling of happiness overtaking me.

How did I get so lucky? To be loved by one incredibly kind, selfless, thoughtful, protective, sexy-as-fuck man who can dance, is every woman’s dream come true. But to be loved by four?

I don’t care what anyone says, loving four men doesn’t mean that I can only give them a quarter of my heart each, it means I have four times the capacity to love and be loved in return.

There is no limit to how I feel for my men, no ceiling.

It’s endless, this love.


Forever and Always.

And today taught me a valuable lesson, that despite living a beautiful life with the men I love, despite building a business from the ground up alongside them, we have to make room for our other love,dance. It’s as important to us as we are to each other. Today proved just how much, and with that an idea begins to form.

“Penny for your thoughts?” a familiar voice asks from the doorway.

It’s Zayn.

The first thing I notice are the bags under his eyes, the second how he swipes a hand over his face as though trying to wipe away his obvious exhaustion.

“Hey, is something wrong?” I ask, shifting upwards, not in the least bit embarrassed by my nakedness. We’ve all spent so much time together naked as couples, as threesomes, as foursomes and fivesomes, that I’m comfortable in my own skin as much as they are.

“York’s fine, don’t panic. I just wanted to say goodnight. I’ve missed you today,” he explains, giving me a heated look as he takes in my nakedness. I let out a sigh of relief but make a mental note to chat to him in the morning about his insomnia. We’ve all noticed how he’s been surviving on only a few hours of sleep a night. He needs to rest, refuel. That seems to be a common theme and only adds to my resolve to make changes for us all, for the better.

“Where’s Dax?” he asks.

“About to make love to our woman,” he says, stepping out of the bathroom, completely naked, water sliding over his body as he rubs a towel over his chest.

“Shit, man. Sorry. I just wanted to say goodnight. I’ll go.”

“Don’t be stupid. Say goodnight to Kid, she’s been missing you today too,” Dax says graciously.

“You have?” Zayn asks, striding towards me, melting my heart with his sweet, chipped-tooth smile. A couple years ago he made the suggestion of getting his teeth fixed, but decided not to when I said how much I’d miss his smile. It’s a part of him that I love, an imperfection that’s entirely perfect to me.

“Of course I have,” I reply, my still damp hair sticking to my breasts as I shuffle towards the edge of the bed and sit up on my knees, wrapping my arms around him as he hugs me back. “You look a little tired. You okay?”

“I’m good,” he replies quickly, changing the subject. “I heard about the battle you had with Dax at the club. I’m sorry I missed it. Did you whip his sorry arse?”

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