Page 20 of Secrets Among Us

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Had this intruder sensed me?

I pulled myself closer to the underbrush of the rhododendrons that flanked the landscape as the woman spun around and started toward the vehicle.

I certainly wasn’t going to let her get away.

When I realized her guard was down, I rushed toward the woman and quickly apprehended her without even a struggle. Keeping her wrists clutched with my hands, she quickly knelt on the gravel and hissed in pain.

“Ouch. Let go of me. Leave me alone.”

I instantly recoiled but quickly pulled up the woman by her wrists as shock washed over me.

“Elena, what the hell are you doing here?” I let go of her and took a step back, smiling.

“Do you always go creeping around your house at night?” she asked with raised brows.

“This isn’t my house.” I shook my head.

She scowled. “Then what are you doing here?”

“Well, it’s my house, but it’s not the one I live in.” I glanced at the small building and shook my head.

She nodded and smiled. “It was the only address I could find. I booked a flight out here when Sadie told me Carmella was released, but she told me not to come.”

“Sounds about right.”

Elena shrugged. “So, I figured if I just showed up, she wouldn’t turn me away. I didn’t expect you to have multiple houses. Although, this place looked much smaller than what Sadie told me about.”

“I’m just so glad it’s you, Elena.”

“Who else would it be?” She glanced at her car. “I mean, you don’t think Carmella will come after Sadie again, do you? What would be the point? She’s going back to jail. She’d be foolish to even glance in Sadie’s direction.”

I nodded silently, knowing if she genuinely believed that, she wouldn’t have shown up in the middle of the night to see her sister.

“We got a call tonight from Carmella, but it’s freezing outside. Let’s get you inside my real house, and I can fill you in.”

Even in the night’s shadows, I could see all the color drained from Elena’s face.

“Wanna just walk back through the woods with me and leave your rental car here, or do you want to drive?”

“Let’s drive so I don’t have to haul my luggage through the forest. I don’t feel like getting muddy at two in the morning.”

“How did you know I was here?” she asked as we climbed into her rental car.

I eyed Sadie’s sister and shook my head. “I got a feeling someone was on my property before you even appeared on the cameras.”

“So, a Spidey sense?” Her right brow curved as she reversed down the long gravel driveway.

“Something like that.” I shook my head. “But your sister is sleeping soundly, and the alarm is on.”

Elena sighed as I pointed down a different drive flanked by a security gate. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out with my sister. I was taken by surprise when I got the call.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Not the direction I thought our conversation would go right now.”

She grinned. “I’m a hopeless romantic. What can I say? Ever since she told me the news, I’ve been hugely bummed. You two are meant to be.”

I nodded, pressing my lips together. “Thanks for that. I tend to agree.”

She slowed at the keypad and glanced at me, and I relayed the guest code to her.
