Page 37 of Secrets Among Us

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The first message, there had been no overt threats, but this one…

I closed the app and set down my phone, trying to remind myself to stay calm with a few deep breaths.

This didn’t mean he was here. He could just be bored.

He always liked to torment me, leaving me little reminders and vague notes.

No. I had enough going on. I wasn’t going to let this guy get underneath me. He probably knew Carmella was out on a technicality and wanted to freak me out.

As I convinced myself that my ex was harmless, I walked to the bathroom and started the shower. Feeling the steam coat my body and lungs relaxed my muscles as I moved into the shower.

I was getting paranoid. My first boyfriend was all bark, no bite.

I had more significant issues to worry about. I needed to focus on remaining calm and rational while the prosecutor worked on getting Carmella behind bars again.

She was a threat.

My old boyfriend was a nuisance.

As I worked the suds from my hair, I took another deep breath and let it out slowly, staring at the droplets cascading down the glass.

Just one step at a time.

I turned off the water, dried off, and quickly pulled some clothes on before going to the kitchen, where I could hear Zack, Jaxson, and Elena chatting.

The sound instantly calmed me.

I was here with friends and family. Everything was fine.

I would be okay.

I was okay.

When I walked into the kitchen, they all turned to see me as Zack held up the coffee pot.

“Not as good as what you make, but would you like some?” His eyes drifted to mine as I forced myself to make it look like everything was fine.

“I’d love some.” I hugged my sister, and she tapped my hand and squeezed it.

“Did you sleep okay?” she asked.

“I actually did.”

She nodded, taking in my expression.

The two people who could read me better than most happened to be standing in this kitchen, my sister and my ex.

But I didn’t want to throw this ridiculous message into the mix.

My phone rang, and I jumped just as Zack handed me the cup of coffee, spilling a few drops onto the counter.

His eyes narrowed on mine as Elena grabbed a towel to wipe up the coffee.

I glanced at the phone. “It’s the prosecutor.”

Zack stilled as I put the call on speakerphone.

“Hello?” My words were nearly a whisper.
