Page 38 of Secrets Among Us

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Hi, Sadie. This is Jack. I hope you’re doing well.

“I’d be better if Carmella were behind bars.”

He sighed.Well, that’s precisely what I’m calling about. Her attorney is interested in a plea deal.

My stomach sank, but I continued.

“So, she’s not going to jail?”My voice trembled.

No, she’d still be doing jail time. I didn’t like their initial offer, but I did send them one that would be fair and—

I let out a deep breath, but I still felt like I wanted to explode.

“No, being fair is if she were still in jail, awaiting her trial for attempted murder. This isn’t fair,” I told him.

You’re right, Sadie. I misspoke, but I do have to consider many factors when deciding what cases to take to trial.

I shook my head. “She would be proven guilty.”

Juries can be surprising.

I clenched my fists, leaning against the counter for strength. I refused to look at Zack.

“What are you offering them?”

Four years in prison, three years probation. I think the judge will sign off on it.

It felt like the world was spinning around me. The walls felt like they were closing in as I stared at the moving ceiling. None of this made sense.

Zack came up behind me, looping his arm around me, holding me tight as I brought my gaze back down to the phone.

Her defense lawyer only wanted two years of jail time with one year of probation.

I froze for a brief second.

Zack slowly rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.

But there was no making me feel better.

I turned to look at Zack and nodded.


The good news is that she’ll return to jail by the weekend. The judge will sign off quickly.

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see. “Well, thanks for letting me know.”

I’m sorry we couldn’t get her in for what we’d originally planned.

I sighed. “Me too.”

And then I hung up the phone.

It was like my life was in slow motion. Every second felt like an hour as I stared at the counter while Zack rubbed my back.

“I know this isn’t what you wanted.”

I slowly raised my arms, wrapping them around myself and shaking my head. “Not at all.”

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