Page 49 of Secrets Among Us

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“I’m not trying to say anything, accuse anyone, or… Listen, some of the dots aren’t connecting. That’s all.”

I shook my head. “That’s not how I see it at all. Why don’t you provide me with some proof?”

“It’s not like there’s proof of any of this. That’s not what I’m saying. I have a hunch that she’s been in contact with Tim off and on through the years. Melanie had mentioned that a guy had called for her a couple of times.”

“Had Sadie picked up?”

Ian nodded.

My stomach felt suddenly sour. “While we were together?”

He slid his hands together. “Yeah.”

“Any other so-called evidence?”

“I saw a couple of messages going to someone who no longer has an active profile. They only had initials remaining.”


“The initials were T.V..”

I drew a breath. “When?”

“A few years ago.”

Relief briefly spread through me. “Listen, I appreciate what you’re doing, but Sadie is the victim in all of this. She didn’t reach out to her psycho ex.”

My brother didn’t look convinced. “I’m meeting Melanie for dinner tonight. I’ll find out more.”

I clenched my jaw together and glanced out the window to see a few sparse snowflakes floating through the frigid air.

“Fine. Keep me posted.”

“Nothing has ever come between us,” Ian said, taking a step closer. “I’m not trying to accuse Sadie of anything. It’s just she’s been through a lot, and maybe on some level she craved…”

That was the exact opposite of what she craved.

“I think you’ve said enough.”

Ian nodded and let himself out of my office.

Sadie was more intelligent than most. She certainly wouldn’t be dumb enough to hand over her phone or laptop if there were something incriminating on it.

Just the thought made my blood boil.

And what was going on with Melanie? Why was she suddenly turning on her friend?

Was she that upset about her coffee shop? It wasn’t Sadie’s fault.

I sat down and hung my head in my hands, groaning away the headache that was attempting to roar to life.

The mere mention of my parents had brought back a flood of emotions with a suffocating intensity that made years of grief suddenly feel insignificant.

But telling Sadie what little I had somehow made me feel slightly lighter.

Even though it hurt like hell now.

I shook my head with a growl and stood. It wasn’t like I could bring my parents back, but I could make them proud from where they were now. I’d always hoped they’d look down on Ian and me and realize everything they'd taught us had helped a large group of people.
