Page 5 of Secrets Among Us

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Sadie cleared her throat and glanced at the clock on the wall, surrounded by two carved grizzly bears and a pine tree motif. This coffee shop usually felt like home, but now it felt like an empty shell of a place I no longer wanted to be, especially if Sadie had no plans to stay.

I cupped my hands and slid them onto the table, wringing them with each passing second. “Sadie, did you hear from the prosecutor this morning?”

I knew the best way to be with Sadie was direct.

Her gaze widened, and she quickly shook her head. “No. Why would I? Did they move up the trial date?”

My heart hammered in my chest as I saw confusion in her eyes.

She didn’t know.

“I didn’t think I had to go to court until spring at the earliest,” she muttered, lifting her gaze.

“It’s not that, Sadie. Carmella got out on a technicality.”

All the color drained from Sadie’s face, and her hands instantly trembled. I shot out of the chair and kneeled before her as she brought her palms over her face.

“No.” She shook her head. “No. That’s not possible. The prosecutor said he had a solid case.”

“He does. He still does, but…” I softly placed my fingers under her chin and tipped her head toward me. I needed her to stay with me, not go back to the place that always pulled her away.

“But what?” Anger flashed through her gaze.

“The police made a mistake that day, and her attorneys caught it.” I shook my head. “But the prosecutor is certain he can have Carmella picked up again in a few weeks. It’ll be on a lesser charge, but she’s still looking at ten years.”

“Ten years?” She stiffened. “Ten years? I’ll only have peace for ten years?”

I felt the same.

She stood from the chair quickly, and it fell to the floor with a crash as I jumped out of her way.

“I don’t understand. Why didn’t I get a call?” She dashed to the back of the counter and pulled out her purse, quickly digging through it until she found her phone.

Her expression fell when she looked at the screen. “He must have left a message. I didn’t hear it ring. It was during our busy time.” Sadie sniffled, and I looked at the floor, wishing I had words to make it all disappear.

“You don’t have to do this alone, Sadie.” I moved toward her, and she held up her hand.

Sadie’s eyes flashed to mine. “I’m more alone than you’ll ever understand.”

“I can protect you,” I said softly, watching her emotions take hold. “I’m here for you.”

Her hands shook as she bent over and leaned against the counter, taking a deep breath.

“But I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to return to New England.”

She wiped a stray tear, and I wanted to jump over the counter and bring her into my arms, but she’d made it clear that we were over.

“I’m so tired of being scared, Zack. I’m just… exhausted.” Her lip quivered, and it felt like a stab to the gut as a sob fell from her mouth.

Without thinking, I scaled the counter and pulled her into my arms. I felt her body relax as her head rested on my chest. She sniffled, and dampness spread on my shirt as I ran my hands along her dark blonde hair.

My mouth pressed onto the top of her head. The familiar scents of coconut and lime drifted over me. Sadie’s favorite body wash. It was even the little things I missed. I took another breath, but I knew to respect her wishes. “Let me help, Sadie. Let me be a part of this. I’ll respect whatever boundaries you give me, but I must keep you safe.”

She nodded, still pressing her cheek against my chest, and I didn’t want to let go. Feeling her in my arms stopped my world, and I knew I’d do everything I could to protect her regardless of whether she agreed.

Sadie sniffled and tilted her head to look at me through her big, green eyes, tears rimming her lids as she let out a shaky breath.

“I need to call my family.” She straightened slightly and stepped back, reaching for her phone. “To let them know I won’t be coming yet.”
