Page 51 of Secrets Among Us

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I narrowed my eyes to her response, which was a simpleno.

And T.V. never asked again.

Tapping my fingers, I wondered who this person was and why Sadie hadn’t mentioned anything about them.

Probably because it was irrelevant.

I looked through her other apps, hoping for some clue to bring us directly to Tim Venson’s intentions or any missteps.

My phone rang, and I glanced down to see Officer Carl’s number pop up on the screen.

“Hey, there, Zack. How’s it going?”

“Pretty good. I'm just staying warm with the first season’s flakes coming down. You?”

“Ah, I’m in my cruiser, freezing to death, but I’m hanging in there. I wanted to let you know that I did a little poking around in town, and I had several sightings of that fellow you sent over.”

My heart hammered in my chest.

So, Tim was here.

“Yeah? Where’s he been spotted?”

“Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly…” Officer Carl chuckled like he was a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Joe over at the hardware store recognized him immediately, and so did Carol over at the all-night diner. Apparently, Tim loves coconut cream pie.”

“Could you get a feel for how long he’s been around?”

“It sounds like a week or so, but they haven’t seen him for a day or so.”

My knee bobbed up and down with nervous energy. The asshole was here.

“This is very helpful, Officer. Thanks for sniffing around for us.”

“Absolutely. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

I laughed, squeezing my fists together. “I’m not sure that limits the scope all that much.”

Office Carl laughed. “Possibly. I’ve also had some interesting developments on that break-in, but I’ll let you know more when I have a clearer direction.”

“Thanks. Appreciate it.” I was ready to hang up and talk to Sadie, but the officer wasn’t finished.

“Hey, I know it’s not my place, but I thought I saw your brother with Melanie earlier. Are they an item?”

“It would be news to me.” But it would explain some things.

“Then you didn’t hear the news from me, but a deputy spotted them making out in a parked car over by the resort.”

I shivered, trying to push the thought out of my head. “Good to know my brother hasn’t written off women then, Officer. Thanks for the heads-up.”

“My pleasure.”

And this time, he finally hung up.

I made my way to the kitchen where Jaxson, Elena, and Sadie huddled around the island.

“I got some interesting news from Officer Carl,” I announced, sliding the laptop to Sadie.

She wouldn’t meet my gaze, which concerned me, but one problem at a time.
