Page 52 of Secrets Among Us

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“Tim has been spotted around town for the last week or so.”

Horror flashed across Sadie’s features. “I was hoping it was all a coincidence.”

“That would be one hell of a coincidence.” Jaxson’s strained laughter cut the tension.

“But I have some questions for you, Sadie. I’m confused by what I saw in your messages.”

Sadie lifted her gaze to mine, and curiosity flared through her brilliant green eyes. “Oh, really? Sure. Ask away.”

Chapter Fifteen


“Who is T.V.?” Zack asked.

I shook my head, frowning. “I don’t know. I’m guessing Tim Venson. Why?”

“Because there’s some old messages with an obsolete profile with the initials T.V.”

“From when?” I opened the lid of my laptop.

“It’s been years,” Zack offered. “And it was something about a brother.”

Shock registered through me. How could I forget about her?

“Oh, my gosh. That was Tim’s sister.” I let out a groan. “I can’t believe how good I did at blocking all of that out.”

Elena lifted her right brow. “You were messaging with Tracy?”

“Stupidly, yes. But we were friends, and then when everything happened, I didn’t know how to get her to kind of… go away.” I sighed, rubbing my temples. “But when she started to bring up dating her brother again, I just dropped her. The crazy thing is that I only met her once when I first started dating Tim, but we clicked and just spent time messaging. I think she was seventeen or so when I was nineteen. Anyway, I didn’t want to penalize her just because her brother is nuts.”

Zack let out a deep breath. “That makes sense.”

Elena laughed, glancing at Zack. “Hardly. Our Dad would have killed you if he knew you were still talking with anyone from that family.”

“It’s been years.” I shook my head, feeling a shiver. “I just totally forgot about her, but I haven’t heard from any of them until that first message.”

“Well, knowing that Tim has been wandering around Granite Peak tells us we need to stay alert.”

Jaxson nodded, and I realized the buzz from Zack kissing the top of my head earlier was quickly disappearing. “Absolutely.”

“Well, the good news is that none of us has to cook. I ordered pizza. It should be delivered any second,” my sister chimed in.

“You and food.” I laughed, realizing I hadn’t eaten anything today.

My nerves were shot, and it didn’t help that when I texted Melanie earlier, she didn’t respond. Speaking of, I picked up my phone and messaged her a friendly message to check on her.

“Everything okay?” Zack asked.

I nodded, leaning on the counter. “Yeah. Melanie’s not responding to my messages, but other than that, I’m fine.”

Zack looked perplexed, and then a frown moved across his handsome features. “Well, I think she and my brother have been hanging out a bit.”

My brows rose in surprise. “Really?”

“Yeah, that’s what I managed to gather from my brother and a few eyes around town.”

“That’s new.”
