Page 58 of Secrets Among Us

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She clasped her hands and squealed, and I knew I’d made the right choice.

“I’ll call the resort and get some reservations at the steakhouse. Sound good?” I asked. “Should I make the reservations for four people?”

Sadie smiled and slowly licked her bottom lip, which nearly undid me. “I was thinking just the two of us.”

I nodded, smiling. “I would love that.”

“Who knows? Maybe there’ll be a repeat of the other night?”

I laughed, shaking my head as Sadie wandered down the hall.

It was moments like these when I was reminded of the easiness with Sadie. It was something I’d cherished every time I came back from a job. I knew I could count on the ease of our relationship to make me forget about whatever our clients' crazy demands were or which case was coming up next.

She always made it better, and it killed me that I didn’t do the same for her. I missed the cues.

Which was one of the reasons I’d been talking to my brother about stepping back more and opening up a tactical camp here at the house. We were expanding in leaps and bounds, had teams to take on most of our jobs, and it made sense to me to start up a facility that would allow clients to learn self-defense and survivalist skills. Arm them with knowledge.

I never got to share the news with Sadie before she broke up with me, and I knew if I told her when she’d decided to break up with me, she’d think it was some last-ditch effort to appease her, which wasn’t the case. So, I kept it to myself.

But maybe tonight, I could tell Sadie, let her know that if what she needed from me was to be home more, I could provide that. I could do anything she needed.

I also knew I needed to take care of this Tim situation. It wasn’t as simple as getting a restraining order. Those rarely worked anyway, and we didn’t have enough proof to obtain one at this point, anyway.

Quickly calling the resort, I made reservations for an hour from now and asked for a corner booth.

Making my way into the family room, I saw Jaxson on the phone and Sadie and Elena happily talking on the couch.

“I heard you’re taking my sister out tonight to celebrate.” Elena grinned at me.

“Can’t wait,” I said, nodding. “She deserves this and more.”

Jaxson hung up and walked over to us. “My brother Blake said he saw Tim back at his apartment. As of two hours ago, he’s no longer in Granite Peak.”

It looked like Sadie was about to fall over with the news.

Elena gasped and hugged her sister with joy.

Sadie’s beautiful green eyes connected with mine, and I could see relief flooding through her gaze.

We didn’t know how long this would last, but at least he wasn’t here now.

“My brothers are going to keep an eye on him.” Jaxson kept his gaze on mine. I knew what he was silently communicating. I knew it, and I appreciated it. But we’d always done things the right way. The clean way.

I wanted to sleep with a clear conscience.

“I think this officially means I’m having way too much wine tonight because I don’t have to keep my wits about me.” Sadie threw her head back with carefree laughter, and my chest tightened. This was how Sadie deserved to feel every second of every day.

And until I made sure that was possible, I would feel like I'd failed her.

Sadie bounded up from the couch and stretched her arms to the ceiling. “I’m going to put on my nicest outfit that I didn’t already ship back home. I definitely can’t wait to celebrate. When are the reservations for?”

“We’ll leave in like thirty minutes,” I told her.

She smiled in my direction and nodded. “Perfect.”

Elena followed her out of the room, and Jaxson cleared his throat.

“You doing okay?” Jaxson asked.
