Page 59 of Secrets Among Us

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“Yeah, of course.” I nodded. “It’s just nice to see Sadie finally be able to let out a deep breath and not feel like she’s looking over her shoulder.”

He nodded. “That’s no way to live.”

I took a seat on the couch. “Yeah.”

“What do you have planned next?” he asked, taking in a deep breath.

“In terms of…?”

“Timothy,” he said flatly.

“I know it’s only a matter of time before he comes back.” I stretched my feet out in front of me. “And I think a message needs to be sent.”

Jaxson’s eyes stayed on mine. “Her father sent one to him years ago.”

“And it worked for over a decade.”

“Or Tim was just laying in wait, sulking, obsessing, planning…”

These were all things I knew. “Yeah. I get it.”

“There are ways of getting information that are faster.”

“I know.” I brought in my legs and propped my elbows on my knees. The fury I felt pulsing through me was hard to control.

What I really wanted was to find Tim and take care of him myself. I hadn’t felt that kind of rage since my parents were taken from me, but all I had to do was look at Sadie. She was worth it.

“He hasn’t done anything against the law that could be proven in a court of law. He’s sent some messages that were just vague enough to escape legal action. He’s allowed to travel to towns where his exes might live. We can’t prove he trespassed and left something in Sadie’s apartment or my home.” I shook my head. “Which leaves very few options to deal with him.”

“It does.”

Jaxson drew a breath. “You know, we often get a bad rap.”

“Who, in particular?”

A wry smile spread across his lips. “My brothers and me.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I think being attached to one of the largest crime organizations can do that to a person. I’m just saying.”

He smiled. “We’re just misunderstood.”

“I know.” I let out a sigh. “There was a time when I didn’t think two wrongs made a right, and then my parents were killed.”

Jaxson nodded. “The legal system can only do so much. They’re heavily burdened. They have to prioritize drugs, robberies, murders, abuse… the list goes on.”

“The world isn’t getting kinder, is it?” I stared at Jaxson, knowing what he was asking me.

“It’s not.”

“Zack,” Sadie’s voice was full of panic. “He’s going after my parents. I just…” She gulped a cry as Elena and Sadie rushed into the family room.

Jaxson and I bolted out of our seats as Sadie shoved her phone into my hand.

I just realized tonight after a long stroll that I’m not too far from your parents. I wonder how they’re doing, especially your father. He seemed so big and burly so many years ago. Now, he seems a little frailer. A little more vulnerable. Do you agree? You can breathe easy, my little seashell. I’m not in your neck of the woods right now, but I might stop by your parents’ for a friendly hello.

Sadie’s hands trembled as they rose to her mouth, and Elena walked over to Jaxson, nearly collapsing in his arms.

I pulled Sadie into my arms, and I kissed the top of her head as her weight fell into me. I held her tightly, vowing to take care of her.
