Page 73 of Secrets Among Us

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“For the first time ever, I hope Sadie took off and left us all behind.”

Ian eyed me as he turned on the truck. “But you know she didn’t, man. You know she didn’t.”

“Get to Granite Beans,” I told him.

He nearly squealed out of the lot, glancing at me. “I noticed you didn’t invite the officer.”

“I’m tired of doing things clean, Ian. I’m done.”

“We’ll find her.”

Within minutes, Granite Beans came into view, and so did my Jeep.


“It’s fine. She’s going to be fine, Zack.”

But I could feel it.

Sadie wasn’t fine. She’d needed me, and I failed her.

Just like I failed my parents.

Ian pulled behind the Jeep, and I jumped out before he’d even turned the engine off. Racing to Granite Beans’ door, I pulled on it to find it locked.


Ian came up behind me.

“It’s locked.” My heart was beating so fast that I felt dizzy. I pressed my face to the glass, seeing no one inside.

“I’ll go around back,” Ian said.

I straightened and breathed as my brother jogged away, and I kicked into the glass. It shattered instantly as I reached my hand inside and twisted the deadbolt. A piece of glass shredded my knuckle, but I didn’t care. I stepped inside, spotting a table with one juice bottle turned on its side and the other upright.

“Sadie?” I shouted, racing to the backroom.


My brother pounded on the back door as I ran over to open it.

“She’s not here.”

He nodded, holding up her phone. “This was on the pavement by the back door.”

Fury raced through my veins. These people would pay.

“Hey, Zack, Ian,” Jaxson’s voice boomed through the coffee shop. “We’ve got problems.”

I turned around to see a look of horror washing over Elena’s face as Jaxson’s eyes met mine.

“Tim subdued my people, and he’s got their parents tied up. He sent a video message.”

The room spun around me.

How was this possible?

How did a weasel outsmart so many of us?
