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“You’re lucky you didn’t bite it off,” I growl.

“What’s your problem, old man?” He pants, still trying to catch his breath after my blow to his chest and ego.

“Your infatuation with my girl is the problem. It’s bad enough you can’t keep your eyes off her, but then you do some childish shit like this. What’s your deal, boy?”

“Your girl? That’s some Grade-A ass over there old man. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

His friend’s laughter turns to shocked gasping when I grab him by his throat. “I’m not the one twirling in the air like a ballerina, boy. I promise you my dick works and, by the way, I’m not too old to kick your ass.”

“Try it,” he screams and throws a punch at me, but I grab his hand mid-swing and squeeze it until I hear his knuckles crack.

He takes another swing, and I lose all self-control. I rear back and slam my fist into his face. He loses balance and falls onto me on the slippery pool deck. I try and fail to catch my footing, and we both go headfirst into the pool. The next thing I know, security is dragging me out of the water.

I look up and see a horrified Marissa looking back at me with her hand over her mouth. Then, I see the lights flashing on the other side. Fuck, it’s cameras. The press is here doing pre-trial interviews, and they just got a hell of a story for the nightly news.

“Do you want to tell us what happened here?” a burly security guard asks me.

“No, just let me go so I can dry off.”

“We’re going to need to take a report, Sir.”

“No, you won’t.” I slide a hundred-dollar bill into his hand.

“I can’t promise the press or the director won’t get wind of this.”

“I know. I just don’t want you giving the press my name right now. Just consider me an unknown participant in the altercation for the time being.”

I slip out the side exit to the street. I don’t want to leave Marissa this way, but having her name show up in the tabloids on day one of training would be devastating for her. I cut through the alley into the parking lot and rush to my car, keeping my eye on the gymnasium to make sure the press isn’t waiting to swarm me.

The coast is clear, and I plop my soggy ass into the driver’s seat. I think I’ll text Marissa and tell her I’ll explain later, but when I pull the phone from my pocket, it’s soaked. “Damn it.” I slam my fist onto the dash.

With no way of contacting Marissa, I rush back to my hotel room to change and use the hotel phone to leave her a voicemail. “As you can see, things got a little out of hand with the diver. I’m sorry I rushed off, but I’ll explain everything tonight when I pick you up for dinner. I think it’s best that I stay away from the pool until I speak to the administrators about the situation.”

By the time I return to the training center, the administrator is waiting for me at the door. The look on his face tells me that I may have my work cut out for me with him. As I enter through the automatic doors, I hold my hand out to him. “Mr. Anderson, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” I say as I shake his hand.

“I’m sure that it comes as no surprise to you, but we need to discuss the altercation by the pool. Let’s step into my office.”

“Yes, of course. I would have come to you immediately if I wasn’t soaking wet and in dire need of a new cell phone.” I chuckle, trying to make light of the situation.

We sit down in his stately office with its high-back leather chairs and walnut display cases. I survey the room and tell him, “You have a very nice office, Sir.”

“Thank you. Now let’s get down to business, shall we? Tell me what happened today.”

“Certainly. If I had to sum it up, I would say that things escalated because the young men training here demonstrate a lack of respect for the female competitors.”

“Excuse me?”

“I mean, I’m sure you set the ground rules with these boys during orientation, but some of them lack the self-discipline necessary to behave appropriately. That was the case today with Mr. King. He was making vulgar gestures at my client when she disrobed. I confronted him, and he spewed some very hateful and rude comments. In the heat of the moment, I lost my temper. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, but I don’t see how any man in my position would have reacted any differently. The boy was way out of line on all counts.”
