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She rolled over and found the bed empty on the other side. She sat up, scanning the room, looking for Tharon, but he wasn’t around. The space was silent.

She thought about last night and how generous he’d been. She blushed, thinking about everything. She felt things she'd never felt, and she had a feeling she was falling in love.

She pulled her legs close, a smirk spreading across her face. She loved spending time with Tharon and the kids. And the longer she was there, the more she would fall. It was inevitable.

Yet the idea didn't scare her as much as it had before. Her heart fluttered at the thought.

She grabbed her nightgown from the edge of the bed and slipped it on. She pulled herself up and headed for the door, planning to search for Tharon.

She wanted to see what the plans were for the day. Were they all going to stay home? Or were they going out? It seemed as if every day, there was something new to do.

She grabbed the door handle and turned it, pulling the door open slightly, but she froze as she heard a voice speaking from down the hallway.

“No, it’s not like that.”

Tharon was talking, and she didn’t want to walk into a private conversation, yet she couldn’t force herself to shut the door.

“No, I don’t see her like that. Mia is my nanny. It’s nothing like how my relationship was with my wife.”

Hearing her name made her entire body tense.

“No, I’m not falling in love with her. My mind is entirely focused on work and my kids. My kids need me to focus on them.”

Her heart sank, and her shoulders dropped. Confusion swarmed her head, and she started to think over the past few weeks. Had she been misreading everything?

She took a step back and turned, pulling a hand up to her mouth. She felt the need to cry and scream all at once.

Tharon didn’t feel the same way she felt. That’s what he was saying, wasn’t it? Was she thinking about everything incorrectly?

She swallowed, feeling a few tears break free. She quickly wiped at them, not wanting to fall apart. The kids would be getting up, and she didn't need them seeing her overly emotional.

She shook her head and straightened her back. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to tell herself it was fine. It was good.

She wasn’t supposed to feel things for Tharon, so his admission that he didn’t feel anything was good. She could get over her crush and move on.

Yet, at the same time, she knew it wasn’t just a crush. They had slept together. They had said things to each other that only people in love would say. The way they had been behaving wasn’t matching Tharon’s words.

There was a knock on the door, and she quickly turned as Tharon poked his head into the room. “Hey, you’re up.”

His eyes froze on her face. “Are you crying? What happened?”

She wanted to blurt the words out, but they wouldn’t form. Instead, she lied. “I stubbed my toe on the edge of the bed.”

Tharon made an understanding expression, giving her a sideways smile. “I feel for you. I just got off the phone. I was just about to wake the kids. How does staying home sound? I think we are supposed to get a storm later.”

She gave him a forced smile as he turned, leaving her alone once more. Her chest deflated, wondering if everything she’d been thinking was imagined.

She dressed and pulled her hair back into a bun. She tried to focus on the tasks of the day rather than Tharon’s words from the morning, but it was hard. Her mind wouldn’t stop as the day continued.

He slept with you because he felt like it. He doesn’t actually care about you. It’s probably normal for him to sleep around and move on to the next person. The only person he will ever truly love is his dead wife and his children.

She shook her head and sighed. Just then, Cian stopped next to her. She tilted her head as she stared at her. “What’s wrong?”

She looked at her, forcing a smile. “Nothing.”

“You don’t look like it’s nothing,” Cian said, giving her a concerned look. “Is something wrong?”

She glanced at Tharon, who was on the phone once more in the hallway. Her mind traveled, wondering who he was talking to now. Was he telling them about how he wasn’t in love?
