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intention in greeting her.

She found out later, after watching other Tor’vians greet each other, that Tharon had meant to grab her forearm and pull her close. It was their version of a formal greeting and should have brought them chest to chest. Mia, not knowing that at the time, went to shake his hand and missed it, grabbing something else entirely since he was already moving in.

When she realized her mistake, the damage had already been done.

Her hand was on her employer’s dick, and his body had gone rigid at her touch.

“Oh, my God!” She went to jerk her arm back but accidentally elbowed him somehow instead.

“Oh, dear God. I’m so sorry.” Mia dropped her hands to her side and took a step back. Her neck was hot with embarrassment. So much for appearing professional.

There was still no smile on Tharon’s face, and Mia didn’t blame him for that. She had just made a fool out of herself in the presence of the highest-ranking commander … who just happened to be her boss.

“Do not be sorry.” His English wasn’t as smooth as Chaffron’s had been, but it wasn’t terrible.

Speaking of Chaffron, where was he? Mia would’ve given anything to have a distraction from the terrible encounter.

“Excuse myself for assuming you were familiar with our customs.”

Mia felt about three inches tall hearing him say that. She couldn’t tell if it was a dig at her lack of knowledge or just the way this race addressed one another. She forced herself to not think too much about it and learn as she went along. Field experience, right?

Before she could make more of an ass of herself, Chaffron came out of the house with a small kit in hand.

She wasn’t sure when he had gone into the house, but at least he had missed the encounter. And even more to her delight, he was back, and the shift of focus could change.

“I almost forgot, sir. Should I implant the language chip in before she meets the children?”

Tharon nodded. “Please.”

“Oh, do the children not speak English?”

“They do. But worse than me. Most staff and race do not. This will make no … misinterpretations,” Tharon informed her as Chaffron prepped a needle with a silver chip inside. “But not everything translates perfectly.”

Oh, good. And here I thought I was going to limit my opportunities to embarrass myself to just my actions.

“Ready?” Chaffron asked, stepping behind her.

She held her arm out for him to prick her.

“No, I actually will be putting this behind your ear. It’ll be easier to remove that way as well. Or reprogram.”

If she kept this up, then she might get immune to embarrassment.

“Oh, okay.”

She pulled her red hair up for ease of access for him. Mia realized then that Tharon hadn’t stared at her hair as Chaffron had. Maybe he had seen more redheads, or maybe he was able to be more discreet.

Either way, Mia was happy at the lack of interest. Especially given how attracted she was to him. That had to be a hard line she needed to draw. No romance with her employer.

Mia snuck a tilt of her head toward Tharon. She could still look at him, though …

“All done,” Chaffron said.

“I didn’t even feel anything.”


Mia dropped her hair. “May I meet the children?”
