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She curled into a ball, cradling her leg as the agonizing sting faded slightly. Looking over her shoulder, she noted the bear creature was no longer chasing her. Where had it gone?

It didn’t matter. She had to get going. Stumbling forward, she walked off the injury and hobbled in a run. A few minutes later, she heard screams and laser fire. The bear must have waited in ambush for the men running after her.

A shiver slithered up her spine. The deadly animals on this planet were scary-smart. Maybe she should find some way to hide from man and animal alike until Tharon found her.

She found a nice-sized tree she could climb and made her way up to the third set of branches. Trying to catch her breath quietly, she rested her back against the truck after wedging her body between branches.

Good God, what was she doing? She was a glorified babysitter, for fuck’s sake. Not GI Jane. On an alien planet with intelligent man-eating beasts, no less.

Suddenly, her pocket vibrated, and she realized it was the communicator. Was Tharon within range? She scrambled to pull the small device from her pocket, nearly dropping it in the process.

“Tharon!” she whisper-shouted. “I need help.”

“Where are you, babe?” he asked.

“I’m in a forest with the bad guys somewhere behind me. I think some of them were eaten by a bear beast, but I don’t know.”

“A what?” he asked.

“Not important,” she spit out. “Get me out of here.”

“I’ll be over your location in a few minutes, but if you’re in a forest, I can’t land to get you. You have to get somewhere clear.”

Well, shit. He would tell her that. “Yeah, okay. Any idea where I can go for that?”

“Hold on.” After a moment that seemed like hours, he spoke again. “There’s a break in the trees not far from your location. You need to get there.”

“Tharon,” she growled in a near panic, “I’m in the middle of the woods. How the hell would I know how to get there?”

“Right,” he replied. “Can you see the sun?”

She tilted her head back to look through the sparse canopy. “Sort of.”

“Go toward it, and you should come to the open field. Can you do that?”

Like she had much of a choice. “Yes, I’ll get there. You get your ass there ASAP.”

“On my way, babe.”

She climbed down and searched for the ball of fire in the sky. Hopefully, her abductors weren’t survivalists who knew how to track in the forest. If they could, this wasn’t going to be fun.

Quickly but carefully, making her way toward the light, she kept positive thoughts running through her mind. After she got back and kicked Tharon’s ass for getting her into this situation, they would make love until she lost count of the times, then she would hunt down Kiek and cut his balls off for endangering her family.

She’d had enough of this shit. She may just be a nanny, but she was a fierce mama bear when someone got too close to her cubs.

Reaching the clearing, she breathed a sigh of relief. She hurried to the middle and searched the sky for Tharon. Where was he?

Feeling too exposed, she wished the trees were still surrounding her and thought that her bad luck from Earth had followed her to a new planet.

“There she is!” Her abductors barged into the field. “Grab her!” she heard someone shout.

She turned to run and realized she was almost surrounded by soldiers. She dashed for the narrow opening into the woods and grabbed a long branch that had fallen to the ground to defend herself. She managed to knock out the abductor closest to her, and she hit the next guy before the branch broke.

“Tharon! Where the hell are you?”


