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come over, but I will not back down from this situation. I will be by your side when you confront them.”

“That’s the other thing. I don’t plan to necessarily confront them. I was more planning on inviting them over on the guise that we have something to celebrate, which obviously we do.” He reached for her hands while he said this.

“Mia, I want you to be my mate. We’ll come up with a new name for your relationship with the children, something that doesn’t take away from their mother as is the Tor’vian custom. But I believe that you and I are meant to be together, and I won’t let anyone stand in the way of that.”

She smiled at him happily as tears of joy sprung to her eyes. The look on her face melted through him, assuring him that he was making the right decision. He was certain they’d deal with some naysayers, but he loved Mia. In the end, wasn’t that all that mattered?

They kissed tenderly. “Of course I will,” she murmured, stroking his face. Then she pulled away, thinking it over.

“You think we should tell them about the engagement? Do you think they would react on the spot?”

He nodded. “I want to be clear. I’m not asking you for the sake of a ruse. I love you. But I want to make that love clear for everyone to see. I’ve given into the fear of what others will think for too long, and look where it’s gotten me.”

“And yes, I think whichever one has been helping Kiek won’t be able to help giving it away when they hear the news. Their reaction, I’m certain, will be telling.”

“I can’t believe one of your siblings would really be so jealous of your happiness that they would be willing to wage all-out war to cause you more despair.”

“Believe it … my sister, in particular, has always been envious of me. She once told me she was smarter and more deserving than I was. For some reason, she thought our parents doted on me.”

“Did they?” she asked.

“No, I don’t think so. My baby brother never felt that way.” Memories of all the mean things his sister had said and done during childhood played in his mind. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to kill me to get my inheritance as retribution for her delusions.”

“Are you serious?” Mia asked with concern in her voice.

“No, I am joking. She’s never been that bad. Besides, we were just children then. We’re grown up now.”

“How often do you two talk?”

“The last time I talked to her was to tell her that you were being hired to help with the children.”

Mia raised her eyebrows at this thought. “The very idea of you having help with your children caused her angst?”

He nodded in response. “If you are adamant about being present for the meal, I think it would also be a good idea for you to be the one to contact them and invite them to dinner. I’d like to know how they respond to that.”

“If you are sure, I would love to be the one to make the call. Whichever sibling is not the evil mastermind behind this whole mess could probably be a friend to me in the future. I’d also like to know which one, if either of them, I can trust.”

“It’s settled then. We can make the calls now to invite them. My brother’s name is Rusang, and my sister is Werin. Let’s start with my brother.”

The transmitter rang once when they called Rusang. “Hello?”

“Hello, Rusang. I’m Mia, the nanny for your brother. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing fine. Why are you calling and not my brother?”

“We are hosting a dinner tomorrow evening to celebrate and were hoping that you would be able to join us. Are you available? I apologize for the late notice, but this is a recent reason to celebrate.”

“I suppose I can be there. I don’t have anything else planned at this point. What time is it supposed to be?”

“Can you make it at 1900?”

“I will be there. Thank you for the invitation. I will see you both tomorrow at 1900.” They hung up, and she looked at Tharon.

“That seemed fairly cordial. On to your sister?”

“Go ahead. Although now I am almost certain she is the person behind all of this.”

After four rings on the transmitter, they started to think she wasn’t going to answer until, finally, a slightly irritated voice came across the transmitter. “Hello?”
