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“Will you two cut it out? You sound so disgusting when you talk to each other, and it sickens me.” Werin had been standing there cuffed the whole time they had been talking about Mia’s safety.

“Well, if you want us to stop talking, maybe you should start.”

“No need for that,” Tharon said.

Her brows raised, “Why’s that?”

“Because Kiek already told us everything. I arrested him and had him brought in before I came home. We made him a deal to go free if he told us who he worked with.”

“What?” Werin shrieked. “That coward bastard.”

“Agreed.” Tharon turned his back to Werin to face Mia and gave her a wink. “He said the whole plan was yours, and he had little part in it.”

Werin’s face dropped at Tharon’s words. “That is a lie. It’s all his idea. I was only helping to make it look like an accident.”

Tharon turned back to his sister. “If I were dead, then you would get my part of our parents’ inheritance.”

Mia couldn’t help her gasp. Tharon had mentioned that before, but he wasn’t serious when he said it. Looked like he was right, after all. He did know his sister well.

“You don’t deserve everything that was handed to you because you’re the oldest,” his sister continued spewing. “I had to work my ass off to get what I have. And now you bring an Earthling on as your nanny. That was the final betrayal for me.”

“So, you colluded with Kiek to get rid of Tharon and take me out in the process?” Mia asked, horrified how someone who was supposed to love you could be so cruel.

Werin mashed her lips into a thin line, realizing she’d practically confessed to everything.

“What was Kiek getting out of all this?” she asked, playing along with the ruse Tharon had concocted to get his sibling to spill the truth.

Werin rolled her eyes. “It goes to show how little you, a human, understand our culture. Kiek was going to partner with me and take over the commander position. We would have been a power couple.”

Mia had heard enough. “You were working toward killing me and Tharon. What about the children? Don’t you care what happens to them?”

“Obviously, I would have taken care of them. Those children need to learn our customs properly. Not the screwed-up rules that Tharon’s been teaching them. What kind of monster do you take me for?” Werin was so enraged at the accusation that she lurched forward with her hands cuffed to try to hit or kick Mia.

Mia’s quick reaction landed a heavy hit on Werin’s face with the metal fire poker she still had in her hand. Werin was so shocked that Mia managed to hit her that her mouth fell open again, and she was speechless.

Mia, on the other hand, had a whole speech ready for her. “You should feel ashamed of yourself. Your niece and nephew had already lost their mother, and you would try to take their father from them? You would try to take me away from them when they have already grown to love me. You have a lot of thinking to do while you are in prison.”

Werin found her voice again at those words. “You have no idea what I can do to you from a prison cell. Mark my words, I will kill you. You have no idea what our customs are, and you are steering my brother down a dangerous path.”

“Like you care about your brother. You have been conspiring to kill him for years, even before I arrived. The only dangerous path here is the one you are on, and it’s taking you to jail.”

“I need to get my security team here to take her away.” He reached for his transmitter. “Kiek was never arrested, and I had no firm proof against him, but now that you admitted he was complicit in all of this, he can be arrested along with you.”

“What?” Werin shrieked again. “You said that you already arrested him, and he …” Her mouth slammed shut, and her face turned beet red. Finally, the woman realized that Tharon had tricked her. “You are a bastard, brother,” Werin spat. “No problem, I’ll just deny everything.”

“You can try.” Mia felt giddy thinking of the transmitter in her pocket, proud that she had come up with something so clever.

“What do you mean?” Tharon raised a brow.

“I recorded the whole incident. I started recording soon after we sat down to talk. Before she even tried to jump me.” Mia beamed with pride. “Like you, I have been suspicious of her since her reaction at dinner, and I didn’t want to take any chances.”

“Well, let me talk to the security team when they get here. I assigned a new group this morning from my office, and they should be here any minute. I was just hoping to prepare them before their arrival. Let me see that transmitter, and I’ll forward it to the team lead.”

Mia invited the security team in when they arrived approximately twenty minutes later. “They’re in here.” She pointed them in the direction of the family room where Tharon and Werin waited. Tharon wanted to stay in one place to prevent the possibility of his sister getting away until more people had arrived.

“Sir.” The security lead addressed Tharon when he walked into the room with a quick salute.

“Welcome to my home.” Tharon returned his salute with his free hand. He pointed toward his sister. “She came here today under the ruse that she wanted to apologize for her actions at dinner, and instead, she attacked Mia.”
