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“What do you want to do with her, sir?”

“For now, we need to get her to headquarters and place her in a cell. I will take care of her tomorrow. Normally, we would need to get a statement from her, but Mia recorded her confession while we were talking, so that shouldn’t be necessary at this time. I forwarded the confession recording to you so you can process it as evidence with her arrest paperwork.”

“We’ll take her from here, sir. Thank you. Do you need us to send another team to be a new security detail for your house?”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. We just need to arrest Kiek now that we have her confession involving him. That should be the final piece to this chaos, and I doubt anyone else will be trying to attack the house anytime soon. Before you go, though, I have one more question for her.”

“What do you want? Don’t you have everything you need to convict me at this point?”

“Yes, I am just curious about something. If you knew so much about what was going on between me and Mia, why did you send a drone to spy on us?”

“I didn’t. Kiek wanted to make sure I wasn’t providing him with false intel, so he sent the drone.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow … in your cell,” Tharon said. “Get cozy. You won’t be leaving it anytime soon.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“On second thought, I need to spend a few days with Mia and the children. I probably won’t see you for a few days, but I’m sure the cell they put you in will provide you with plenty of activities in the meantime. You have a lot to think about.”



Tharon stood with Mia after they watched the guards take Werin from their home. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, wanting to remind himself that she was right here and finally safe. It brought his heart peace to know the person he loved could stay by his side, and he didn’t have to fear her being taken again.

They talked and laughed for nearly an hour. The conversation was surprisingly lighthearted, considering all they had just been through. It was as if neither of them wanted to be reminded of the danger they had faced. Instead, they talked about her favorite books, the kids' schooling, dinner tonight, and other harmless topics.

Though he was enjoying her company and chatting with her, even about nothing of great importance, he finally had to pull himself away.

“I need to go call my security officer and check in with him. I will be back in a minute.” Mia stood and nodded in understanding as he walked away toward his office.

His security officer answered the call quickly. “Good day, sir.”

“Good day. I just needed to reach out to make sure arrangements would go smoothly with my sister. I also needed to verify that Kiek is now in custody and that his imprisonment hasn’t developed any more complications. What’s the status report?”

“We have a personal cell for your sister. We made sure it was fully secure, and I personally assigned the people who are now guarding it. As for Kiek, he sure likes to talk a lot, but he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Glad to hear it. Keep me updated if you run into any issues. One more thing … I will be spending the next few days with my family. I can be reached at my home office, but only in case of emergency. I must call my brother and let him know what’s going on.”

“Have a good day, sir.”

“You as well.” They hung up, and he immediately called his brother’s office. “Hello, Rusang. I will save the pleasantries for this conversation. Werin was the one behind the attacks on my house and on Mia.”

“What? Are you saying that she was working with Kiek?”

“Unfortunately, yes, that is exactly what I am saying.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that. She’s always been highly jealous of you.”

“I appreciate your condolences. I mostly wanted to let you know I am having her locked up until we can prosecute her for her crimes. I am sorry that I had to, but I couldn’t allow her to continue to terrorize my home.”

“I understand. Thank you for the call. I really am sorry she put you and your family through so much. She was always sneaky and underhanded, though. I wish I could say I was surprised, but it’s like there was a part of me that always knew it was coming. Sooner or later. Please let me know if there is anything you need from me.”

“I will do that. I need to go get everything settled and spend some time with Mia. We should get together soon. It has been too long prior to our most recent gathering.”

“Indeed, it has. Whenever you are available, I think I can make it work. Speaking of Mia, though, were you two serious about your engagement?”

“Quite serious. Do you have any issues with that?”
