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“Honestly, no. I meant what I said. I think some of our ways are antiquated, and I am proud to be close to someone who is brave enough to change things.”

“I am glad to hear you say that. Call me if you need anything, but otherwise, I’ll talk to you later.” They hung up after saying goodbye, and he went back to Mia’s side.

“I called my brother after the security officer and told him what happened. I think I will be able to see more of him soon.”

“I am happy for you. You should be able to spend more time with your brother. It’s a shame that it took so much fighting and so many life-threatening circumstances to get you two talking again, though.”

“It is so crazy, isn’t it? I can’t believe my sister would pull something so devious. I mean, I suppose I can, considering how envious she has always been, but we are still family.”

“I’m sorry you had to deal with someone who was supposed to love you. My siblings back home are crazy, but I don’t think any of them would try anything like that.”

“I remember how well you handled yourself when we were at the cabin. You not only cooked such an amazing meal, but you put yourself in harm’s way to protect the children.”

“I just wish you could be happy with a new mate without losing your sister. It’s a shame she can’t accept it.”

“Please don’t worry about my sister. It’s not your fault. She might have used it as an excuse, but you heard her. She wanted to kill me just for the inheritance alone. She was going to find any reason. Don’t let her bother you.”

He ran a hand through her red hair, gazing at her lovingly. “She will never understand something like we have. She’s too selfish to see how you complete me. She’d never been able to find that with anyone. She takes and takes and never gives. She doesn’t understand going with someone you love to the festival for the weekend and relishing every minute you get to spend near them instead of worrying about what they candofor you.”

She grinned. “Too bad for her because that festival was amazing with the floating housing, the fireworks, and those midway games. They were fantastic. I so enjoyed watching the children have fun.”

“I can’t believe you have only been here for a few months and have already gone through so much. How are you still here and happily staying by my side?”

“I guess you just have that special something. I think I would go through just about anything for you. I know we’ve had more than our share of moments already, but I want you to know how I feel about you.”

“Are you about to tell me something I already know?”

“Only because I feel like it needs to be said. I love you, Tharon. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“It feels so good to hear those words.” He faced her and pulled her chin up toward him. “I loveyou, Mia Ambrose. Nothing would make me happier than to spend the rest of our lives together.”

Mia pursed her lips and kissed Tharon. “I look forward to the next decades.”

“I’ve been thinking about what that will look like. What do you think about me spending more time at home with you and the children?”

“What exactly did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking about taking some time away from my military duties. Stepping down as commander and offering it to someone else. If I did that, I would be able to spend more time here at home. I want our new family to have a good foundation.”

“I don’t think that would be a good idea. As much as I love the idea of us spending more time together, I don’t want to see you throw away everything you have worked for just to spend a little more time with me. I think our foundation is just fine. I get along great with the kids, and we’re all very happy. There’s no reason for you to quit your job.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me home more often?” He caressed her arms gently while he spoke. “I like being able to hold you whenever I want.”

“I want you to keep your career. I’m certain you aren’t far from retirement, and in the meantime, I can take care of the children. They’ve already said they want me to stay.” She enjoyed the feeling of his skin on hers.

“What do you propose? I want to spend more time with you, and I know I didn’t spend enough time with the children before you came along.”

“What if I create a schedule for you to be home at certain times and only spend so many hours at work?”

“I can stick to that …” He reveled in the gleam in her eyes when he agreed to her stipulations.

“And no more working from your office on the weekends. The weekends are for family only. Unless it is a major emergency, of course.”

“I can definitely agree to those terms. Anything else?”

“We need to take a weekend every few months to spend away as a family.”

“How about a little us time? When do you propose to schedule that?”
