Page 3 of Knot Guaranteed

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“I haven’t had the chance to practice with them—who knows if we’ll vibe—but yeah, it’s a major opportunity. That brings me to why I’m here, harassing you.” He bites his full lower lip as his brow furrows. “They’re looking for a tour photographer. I may have told them I’ve got the perfect person.”

“What?” I squeak. The muffin slides off my legs, and we both make a grab for it.

Fitz’s hand wraps around mine, and he runs his thumb over my inner wrist as he stares straight into my eyes. “It’s a huge opportunity for you too. It’s a temporary position, but if it goes well, they made it clear there’s a chance for full-time employment.”

“But I’m an omega.” I grimace at the reminder that my clock is running down on that.

“The execs are aware. We’ll be together on the same bus. Other than when I’m on stage, I promise I won’t let you out of my sight.” He smiles as his hazel eyes sparkle like they always do when he’s excited about something.

I don’t know what to say. Being in close proximity to Fitz for two months makes my impulses ecstatic, but it’s also a little stressful.

“There’s no way I’ll fit in on tour.”

My eyes fall shut. I really wish I hadn’t said that.

Now he’ll feel like he has to reassure me, and that wasn’t my intention. Honestly, I was being generous. Not fitting in is the least of my concerns. I’m likely to get overstimulated and melt down in front of an audience. I thrive on routine, but I also have to find a way to financially support myself, and any job could be stressful until I get the hang of it.

Fitz drops my hand and moves to brush a wavy tangle of hair back from my face. “You’re a majorly talented photographer with a specialty in people and action shots. I showed them some of the pictures you took of me. They want your skills.”

My heart races. That’s crazy. I’m not a prodigy or anything. I’m average, but I am working hard to get better. Not to mention, supporting myself with my photography is my dream job.

“Don’t make me go on this trip alone. They’ve been a band for ten years. I’m already going to be on the outside. I need a friendly face. Someone I can hang out with. Please, Tinsel?”

Tinselis the nickname he’s called me since high school, and hearing him say it now makes my chest feel tight. He’s always looked out for me. I know it’s because of my friendship with Shanna, but that does sound terrible for him to have to deal with. I’m definitely not brave enough to go into a situation like that, but Fitz has always been outgoing and courageous.

For him to ask me to come along, it must be really important to him.

I think that means he trusts me.

The problem is, I don’t know if I believe in myself. I’ve spent years learning how to take good pictures, but if I bomb this job, it could reflect poorly on Fitz.

“Can I think about it for a few days?” I ask, swallowing thickly.

“Yeah, you’ve got some time.” His face breaks out into a devastatingly handsome grin as he runs his thumb over my cheek. “I’ll owe you forever if you do this for me.”

I scoff. It’s an opportunity for me too. A chance to break into a long-term career. “I’ll give it some thought and discuss it with my family.”

“If you say no, I may have to kidnap you in the middle of the night. So, just keep that in mind.” He laughs. “Plus, it can’t hurt to get out of town and away from Herbert.”

I roll my eyes.

I know Fitz knows his name is Harvey, but it’s still cute that he won’t say his name.


Five Weeks Later


Iclutch my camera to my chest to ensure it doesn’t go flying, but my hands shake violently. The chaos unfolding backstage is unlike anything I’ve seen. Glancing down at my cardigan and jeans, it’s clear that I’m woefully underdressed. Or maybe overdressed, depending on how you look at it.

There are fans and people everywhere.

My chest rises and falls rapidly as I try to breathe through the anxiety. I don’t know what I’m doing here. There are so many bodies crammed into one small space and no friendly faces.

I’m fairly sure I’m on the verge of bolting.

My head shakes, and I tuck my hair behind my ear when it slides over my face.
