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‘How could I make a move? You were younger and my best friend’s little sister. There’s a code, you know?’

‘A code?’

‘Yeah. You don’t hit on your friend’s sister.’

‘Oh…’ She hung her head. ‘That’s a shame.’

‘When you’re kids, I meant. But we’re adults now and Paul has his own family coming together. I’m sure it wouldn’t be such a big deal to him now.’

‘I think he’d be OK about it. Like Ross inFriendswhen he finds out about Monica and Chandler.’

Leo laughed. ‘Not that first time Ross sees them together though!’

‘Oh my goodness, no! Through the apartment window ripping each other’s clothes off.’

‘Yeah.’ Leo widened his eyes.

‘Not that we’re going to do that.’ She took the bear back from him and stared at it as if it had the answers to all her questions.

‘You don’t fancy ripping my clothes off then?’

‘Do you want me to?’ She met his gaze and saw mischief in his eyes. ‘You’re teasing me.’

‘I am.’ He reached out and touched her cheek in the way he’d done on the street and her body stirred. She’d never felt like this before. Billy hadn’t had that effect on her. But then Billy had been selfish, even in bed. ‘But hey… I could rip your clothes off some time. If you want me to, Erin.’

Erin giggled. ‘Maybe I would like that.’

‘Maybe I will.’

She nudged him playfully and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed her against his side. They stayed that way for a moment, both gazing at the bear without really seeing it. Both lost in thoughts that made their cheeks flushed.

When they started wandering around the shop again, they kept picking things up so in the end, Leo got a basket and he carried it while Erin held his arm. It felt like they were a couple, making decisions together, touching each other and flirting in a way that made her feel excited about what the future held in store.



The next two days passed in a flurry of wrapping gifts and tucking them under the Christmas tree in the lounge then with a group trip to the supermarket to get everything that was needed for Christmas dinner. By the evening of the 23rd, Robyn and Cain declared that everything was ready and it was time to relax and enjoy the next few days.

This evening they were going to carols at the village green and Leo was looking forward to it. He hadn’t been to a carol concert in years, but this would be outdoors and there would be refreshments provided. It also meant more time with Erin and that was always a positive as far as he was concerned.

He pulled on his woolly hat and slid his arms into his coat then headed downstairs to join the others. It was strange knowing that he was under the same roof as Erin, that they were sleeping in the same house, just feet away from each other and all the while he had these feelings for her that seemed to be growing at an exponential rate. Or had they always been there, simmering beneath the surface, waiting for the right time to emerge? The thing was that he knew if Shelley had still been alive then this would never have happened because he’d loved her and never would have done anything to hurt her, but she was gone and so his life was different from the life he’d thought he’d have.

In the hallway, Erin and her family were waiting so he joined them then they left the house and crossed the road to the village green. A giant tree decked with lights stood at the centre of the green and more lights were strung from lamp posts and signs and they swayed now in the gentle breeze casting a warm colourful glow across the grass. Quite a crowd had gathered and some people were queueing for hot dogs, mince pies, mulled cider and wine. Paul and Cain went to get drinks for everyone and Leo waited with the women, standing as close to Erin as he could get away with without arousing suspicion.

When Cain and Paul returned, they all stood sipping their drinks and waiting with a growing sense of anticipation as a hush fell over the green. When the first notes ofSilent Nightrang through the air on a violin, goosebumps rose on Leo’s arms. The crowd of villagers joined in and he did too, feeling himself transported to times gone by when he’d spent Christmas with his mum and Shelley. He wasn’t even aware of the tears trickling down his cheeks until Erin slid her arm through his and gently patted his cheeks with a tissue, taking care of him in a way no one had for what felt like ages.

‘It’s OK,’ she said, her bottom lip wobbling. ‘It’s all OK.’

He gulped back his emotions, not wanting to crumble here in this public place but it was hard, especially when the music had roused such emotion inside him. It felt like a tidal wave that would sweep over him if he let it and so he took slow, deep breaths as he tried to regain his composure. Erin held on, his anchor in a stormy sea, keeping him standing, keeping him afloat and his heart swelled with gratitude and something else. With something that he could only describe as love.

The song changed toLet it Snow, and at that moment, there was a collective gasp from the crowd. Looking up, Leo started to laugh because big, fat snowflakes were floating down from the black night sky. Erin slid her arm around his waist and they swayed back and forth as the song continued, singing along with everyone else. The surge of raw emotion began ebbing away and in its place, Leo felt hope. Hope that there would be more moments like this. Hope that life could be good again. Hope that something might happen with this wonderful woman at his side.

Not caring what anyone thought and keen to live for the moment, as the song ended, he turned Erin in his arms, lowered his head then kissed her. He looked up for a moment and whispered, ‘Is this OK?’

‘Of course it is,’ she said, so he pulled her close and kissed her again. She seemed to melt against him and he breathed her in, the scent of her skin, the scent of her hair, the scent of her.

When they finally came up for air, both self-conscious that they’d been snogging on the green in front of everyone, he was relieved to see that most of the crowd had wandered over to the food stalls and it was just him and Erin along with a few stragglers near the tree.
