Page 23 of Hide n' Seek

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Not that there was anywhere to go. The Killers they’d been running from were coming into view, boxing her in on both sides.

Her desperation to get away from me made a smile pull at my mouth.

Little did she know there weremuchworse monsters than me. At least I’d make it quick.

And yet… there was something inside me. Something sick that loved the way she reacted with my every movement. I’d felt the same fear when I was weak and unable to defend myself from the bullies in my life.

My father.

My brother.

Murphy and the fucking losers he called employees.

But not anymore.Even the acknowledgment that I was no longer a weak, pathetic loser was enough to push me forward, eager to claim my power.

Not that I needed it with her on the ground.


It was like watching a deer in headlights. They knew all too well the dangers that lay ahead, but they were unable to do anything butstare.

It was fucking intoxicating.Second only to the feel ofherskin against mine.

The black rabbit’s mask fell askew, only partially hiding her bruised cheek. She ripped it the rest of the way off, flinging it aside to gasp for air.

I froze.


My classmate’s terror-filled face caused something to shift in my chest. Something that threatened to dismantle the high that was running through me.

A whisper, not quite a memory, forced itself to the front of my conscience.

It was an essay question, something that I’d seen a hundred times in my academic career. It wasn’t like the systematic brainwashing of Legacies to turn us into murder machines stopped at home—it extended into our lives at school too. Especially since I went to specialized academy.

How would you win your games?

The question wasn’t anything special, really. I’d had my answer down to a science.

They always try to knock you off your strategy by changing the arena, but really it was the same shit in a different font. Find your target and kill them before someone else does.

But it wasn’t my answer that came to mind, it was hers.

I wouldn’t.

I pushed it away, steeling myself. I didn’t have time to feel. That was for after the games. Right now I needed to put this littlerabbitout of her misery.

“Don’t take this personally, yeah?” I asked and lurched forward as she tried to crawl away.

I put my weight on her, pinning her body to the ground.

I didn’t like the way her body squirmed under me. Didn’t like the way her voice was familiar as she pleaded for me to stop. But she would just be the first of many. I ordered the part of my brain that hesitated to harden.

If I didn’t get used to it from the beginning, there would be no getting to the end.

I needed to forget what this felt like. Needed to forget what it felt like to be the one pushed into the dirt. What it felt like tocare.

I cursed myself for not picking up a weapon before I found her. There was something…personalabout using your bare hands to kill someone. Something I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle.
