Page 24 of Hide n' Seek

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Maybe in a few more kills when the high was all I could think of… Maybe then I could get creative in the pursuit of extra points.

Remember why you are doing this. The Company gave you this opportunity for her.

“Please!” Jenna screamed. “Please let me go! I didn’t have a choice. I—”

I searched the ground around us, looking for anything to use. When my hands grasped a cool, rusted piece of metal pulled off the information booth during our struggle, I raised it, ready to bring it down on the back of her head.

Before I could hit her, something hard hit the side of my face, sending pain exploding through my cheek. My body jerked to the side and my ears were ringing, the pain traveling through my body and dampening my high.

“Fuck,” I groaned and tilted my head back, hoping the starry night sky would dosomethingto stop the pain enough for me to continue.

The distraction caused the victim below me to wiggle out of my grasp. I didn’t have it in me to reach for her. I was barely sitting upright. I blinked a few times to clear my double vision.

“Go Jenna!” a familiar voice yelled. In the wake of what was likely a concussion, I almost thought it sounded like Vic.

I turned toward the voice to find the white rabbit had returned, her teeth gritting in fury. The shadows from the structure caused her body to be shrouded in darkness, but I could just make out her glare from behind the mask.

That little bitch.

Jenna was already running around the info booth, her breathing heavy and her mask in her shaking hands.

The little rabbits were terrified, but theviews…I imagined them in the darkness, the screens lighting up their faces as they spent hours watching us wail on the victims. As they zoomed in on their phones to get a better look at their panic-filled faces.

They always loved when they fought back.

I wondered what I could do to keep their attention even more. What would make them click those little buttons that would guarantee me an advantage over the rest?

“Little rabbits, not so easy to kill, hm?” I asked, pushing myself off the ground with my metal weapon of opportunity gripped in my hands. “Let’s get this over with. I have a game to win.”

She stood there, her eyes narrowing behind the mask. Her friend was watching her, waiting for her signal, but the blue-haired rabbit was letting her eyes roam my body, sizing me up.

Fuck. She’s strategizing, better nip that in the bud. Makes her more dangerous than the others.

“Run,” I said in an excited whisper.

She jerked back as if realizing what the situation was. No matter if they lived for a short while, they were in the presence of a Seeker who wouldn’t stop until they were dead. She turned to run, grabbing her friend’s hand as they booked it around the other end of the info booth and deeper into the park.

She wouldn’t be as easy to catch as her friend…which made me wish she was my true target instead. I chased after them, rounding the booth and breaking into a sprint.

A ping cut through the air.

“Plus two for playing chase,” a robotic voice said from my tracker. I couldn’t hold in my laugh.

“Scared, rabbits?” I yelled at them. “AWolffis chasing you.”

Jenna looked back at me in fear, but the other rabbit didn’t let my comment phase her.

She was small, but she sure as hell was fast. She zipped through the park with ease, her grip on her friend keeping them at the same pace. It was almost annoying how fast they were.

They wound between rides, snack booths and, souvenir stands while making their way down toward the games.

It was a smart move. The rides would be the perfect way to corner her, while the carnival stalls held something critical if they wanted to make it until morning—weapons. Ones that had the chance to turn the games around for a pair of desperate Ghosts.

A chance I wouldn’t let blue get.

She has to be a Legacy.

Someone who hadbeen around the games their entire lives. Had family dinners where all they did was talk strategy.

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