Page 26 of Hide n' Seek

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The rabbits were forgotten in an instant, my mind whirling as I took a shaky step forward.

He can’t be. Why the fuck is he—

Her guttural scream pulled me closer to them. They noticed right away, pausing when I approached. At first, it looked like they were ready to fight, but once they caught sight of my mask, they calmed immediately.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I growled and took a step closer to the leader, his happy blue mask and newly blonde hair mocking me.

The woman in his grip shook against him.

“Play nice,Kohl,” he said, a teasing tone filling his words. “Gotta say, I’m surprised to see you.”

I lunged forward, hooking my fingers behind his mask and tearing it away from his face.

A face similar to mine came into view, illuminated by the lights of the ride. The only difference was the slight stubble on his jaw, which was slightly more defined.

He even went so far as to dye his hair.

His presence here was like a punch to the gut. All the years of being beat into submission and being the joke of his friend group flashed across my mind in a haze of unwelcome trauma masquerading as memories.

I’d tried my hardest to forget about how he treated me. To forget the instinct tofearhim.

But seeing him caught me so off guard that just a sliver of that fear forced its way to the front of my mind.

Dylan.My brother. Someone who’d already been through the games and shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

I swallowed my feelings and grabbed on to the anger that swirled in my veins. I wanted to force my fist into his face. Wanted to lunge at him for everything he and Father caused.

It took more strength than I’d like to admit to keep my fists balled at my side.

I threw the mask to the ground.

The guys at his side shot looks to him. I couldn’t make out the expressions behind their masks, but they seemed wary of my presence.


He pushed the girl into the arms of the pink mask. “Finish her.”

“Wait, but I thought we were—”

“Do it,” he growled back. There was a moment between them before he faced me again, a slow smirk spreading across his face.

How long had it been since I’d talked to him?

Long enough to forget how angry he made me, but not long enough that the instinct to murder him on the spot had been completely erased.

“Did you get yours yet?” he asked, motioning to the side of my face.

I lifted my gloved hands, wincing at the pain that shot through me when I touched the open wound, a fragment of my mask broken away. Biting my tongue, I glared at him.

I couldn’t understand why he was here. Why he had chosenthisgame to get in on. If he’d just waited another year or two, he would never have had to enter again. Living a comfy life as a victor of his prior games.

“Your hair looks like shit,” I spat.

He frowned at me, his hands coming up to pull at the fried edges. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already had clumps of it falling out.

The girl’s scream rang out. We ignored it.

“Plus one point for the kill,” the robotic voice said.
