Page 25 of Hide n' Seek

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I knew because my father did the same, beating into us exactly what kind of bullshit Ghosts would pull to try and save their skins. His words were running through my mind. Reminding me how to corner them. How to act without hesitating so you didn’t lose points.

It wasn’t totally our fault, the games wouldn’t exist if people didn’t watch. The audience dictated how and when we earned points and privileges.

Really, it wastheirfault.

If they didn’t watch, I wouldn’t be here.

But since my view count was climbing by tens of thousands and theylikeditthe more bloodthirsty Seekers were… I didn’t have much of a choice.

I was just following the rules.

Blood pumped through my body, my heart pounding in my ears. I was vaguely aware of screams around me, but I paid no mind. All they did was serve to push me forward, fueled by the idea that other Seekers had found their victims. If I didn’t secure at least another point, I’d be left behind.

My goal was clear. My mind unburdened. And yet… for some reason I couldn’t get the little blue-haired rabbit out of my mind. She excited me as much as she grated my patience.

A challenge, that’s all it was. A reward for when I’d finished off Jenna.

I wondered which one of her useless, vapid friends she was.

In a move I didn’t expect, the white rabbit took a sharp turn, pushing herself over the fence surrounding the carousel. Her friend followed clumsily.

Whoever she was, she was athletic at least.

There was nowhere to run back there, what’s she thinking?

“You’re wrong if you think that’s going to save you!” I called as I jumped over the fence, attempting to grab the slower rabbit.

The white rabbit pulled her right out of my grip, the pair disappearing between the peeling pastel painted, rust stained horses as the machinery spun us. There was already a fair share of blood on almost every surface of the ride, thickening as it cooled.

“Not as fast as you think you are,” the white rabbit called, disappearing around the bend of the ride. “What aloser.”

I tried to follow, but when I arrived at the spot where they’d been, I found myself alone with only a discarded Ghosts body crumpled on the ground to keep me company.

The sound of my heavy breathing and the loud music from the ride were the only things I could hear. No footsteps, no breathing besides my own, nothing. It was deafening.

Panic inducing.

I saw a flash of blue right outside the ride. My head snapped toward it, just catching the end of her hair as she raced by. Grumbling under my breath, I followed.

Fucking. Legacies.

I paused when I came to a large tower of a ride. It was the sort of thing where you strapped people in, and it would climb higher and higher until dropping suddenly. It was rickety, like most of the rides I’d seen, making it all the more frightening.

The rabbits were nowhere to be seen, but I caught sight of somethingworse.

The group that’d been going after my rabbits was there, laughing as they held onto a struggling victim. The girl’s cries echoed throughout the park as they tried to force her onto one of those rides that shot into the air and simulated falling, only this one had frayed ropes for harnesses.

I had a strong stomach and an even stronger need to win, but there were some things even I wouldn’t do. Points were points, and I planned toplaywith my victims when the time came, but nevertorture.

“Please!” she screamed. “I’m not even worth that much to you, just let me go!”

The largest of them—who I dubbed as the leader of the group—threw his head back and let out a booming laugh. His golden-blonde hair stood out in contrast to the all-black outfit he was wearing, his blue mask glowing.

He waved her off and motioned for the other two to load her onto the ride.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “I already cashed out three points just by breaking your fingers. Can you imagine what they’d give me if we play a little target practice?”

My veins froze over as I heard his words. Not just because of how cruel they were… but because Irecognized that voice.
