Page 32 of Hide n' Seek

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Something jumped in front of me, causing my body to react without even registering what it was. I slammed the hunk of metal I had taken from the ground earlier right into it, only to come face to face with the most realistic skeletal-like animatronic I’d ever seen.

Half of its face still had skin on, the other half exposed bone. It jerked back and forth, and a crackling sound of maniacal laughter filled the air.

There was something about the way the exposed half shone in the darkness that made me pause long enough to realize that itwasn’tjust a normal animatronic. I cringed when a drop ofrealblood dribbled down its face.

The memory of the stylist speaking to the Seeker beside me as we got ready rang through my mind.

It was fucking real.

“What kind of sick bastards skin a person for agame?” I hissed under my breath. Bile rose in my throat, threatening that I’d be sick, but I pushed it down along with my feelings of disgust.

I forced my way around it, careful not to get any of the congealed blood on me, and headed deeper into the haunted house. Clashes of thunder filled the air. The same maniacal laughter seemed to follow me throughout the house as the hallway expanded into the first room.

I heard my brother crash through the front, one letting out a scream as the same animatronic jumped out at him.Damn it.Couldn’t I just get five minutes alone to do what I needed to do?

Footsteps sounded from the room over, hurried but muffled, as if they were trying to sneak past.

A spike of excitement ran through me. I followed the sound, trying to keep my footsteps as quiet as possible.

The group was behind me, but they were too distracted by the jump scares their trackers triggered to come looking for me.The game makers must be on my side.Because my tracker only caused the single animatronic to jump out at me, but I heard multiple screams from the boys behind.

I ducked into the next room, my vision assaulted by strobing lights. It made my head swim, but just as I suspected, in the corner were two terrified rabbits.

They were talking to each other, the white rabbit’s back toward me.

“We have to keep going, Jenna,” the white rabbit said, her voice barely above a whisper. “You can’t just tap out. Theywillkill you.”

Her voice caused something to go off in my head, but I ignored it, my eyes narrowing on my kill. I’d get the white rabbit too, but for now my sole focus was the black one, hiding in the corner, shaking.

“Ican’t,” she sobbed, louder than her friend. “You’re cut out for this, but me? I won’t make it out alive.”

“Jenna, just listen to me. Get the fuck up, and I can help you–”

A crash in the next room sent the white rabbit whipping around to look at me, giving me the perfect opening. I lifted the weapon, aiming directly at my target.

“Move!” the white rabbit screamed and shoved her friend to the side.

But she was too slow. My weapon slammed against my target’s shoulder, forcing a pained cry from her lips.

I shifted my body to stand over the rabbit. Her shaky hand was raised in an attempt to shield herself.

The strobe lighting made it difficult to follow her movements, but I wasn’t going to let this chance slip by.

She attempted to turn over onto all fours to push herself up, but with one kick to her back, I sent her sprawling to the floor.

“Let her go!” the one behind me yelled.

Again,that same chest-tightening feeling hit me.

I wondered what I looked like to her, to the people watching.

A killer, ready to pounce on their helpless victim. Would they like the show I put on for them? Would it be enough to earn me extra points?

Kill her first, then go after the other. You need to win this for her.

Hold on, goddess. I’m coming.

“Don’t be so impatient,” I tsked. “I’ll deal with you in a second.”

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