Page 33 of Hide n' Seek

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But just like always, Dylan had found it in himself to insert himself into something he had no business being in.

He paused when his eyes fell to the woman on the floor. From his voice, I knew behind the mask he was smiling.

“Well, well, well. What delectable little treat do we have here?”


And then I… let go.

“If you don’t hurry up, I can’t help you,” I threatened as we ducked and weaved between the rides.

The closer we got to the small booths filled with games whose prizes contained actual weapons we could use, the more densely populated the area got. I didn’t have to stare at the screens around the park to know that at least a quarter of the Ghosts had already been killed.

The screams had become less frequent, which left the more experienced and more likely to win Ghosts to get smarter about their hiding spots—And would make the Killers more desperate, rushing to try and sniff out whoever was left.

We were running on borrowed time, and if Jenna didn’t hurry thefuckup, all my chances at winning this thing would blow up in smoke.

At first, I thought it would be a comfort to have someone I knew here with me to navigate the games with, but Jenna was proving to be more of a liability than anything.

As much as I hated to admit it, I understood why Mom entered as a Ghost back in her day. It was exciting, every time we evaded that purple masked demon chasing us it was like a weight was being lifted off me. I was becoming smarter, faster with every showdown.

But Jenna? She was crumbling.

And my patience was wearing thin.

“I’mtrying,” Jenna whined as she tried to keep up with my breakneck pace.

She’d been lagging behind for far too long, and I had to quite literallypullher through the park to get from point A to point B.

Just get to the fucking weapons. If you get a gun, it doesn’t matter how much she slows you down. Hard to chase you if you shoot out their knees.

But even as the thoughts ran through my head, I knew that was a fucking lie.

It was so early into the game, we had already had a close call.Fuck, she almost died right in front of me. If I hadn’t hurled a rock at the purple-masked Killer, she would’ve.

I’d been more scared than I’d liked to admit. It just felt so…inevitable.

I knew coming in here would be difficult, but the fear that gripped my entire body when I saw how easily I’d been caught rattled my confidence more than I expected.

“Not hard enough,” I huffed and then froze when I caught sight of the very same purple mask that haunted my worries.

Fuck me. They packed up.

Purple had three other people with them now, their masks glowing in the dark like a demented rainbow.

They looked like trouble. It was in the way they stood in the middle of the fucking arena like they were waiting for a smoothie at the mall. Too casual,relaxed. Like they had no sense of danger, because in their minds, they believed they owned the place.

Even I knew an apex predator when I saw it.

Just wait until the end when the Seekers kill each other off in hopes of getting the top prize, a dark voice in my mind whispered.It would serve them right. Who in their right mind would willingly sign up to become a murderer?

I shot a glance back to Jenna. Her eyes were filled with tears, silent sobs shaking her body.

I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. It was hard to feel bad for her when we chose this.

Fuck, I’d be better off without her. At this rate, she was a liability I was quickly becoming unable to afford.

“You knew what you were getting into when you signed up,” I reminded. “We’re surrounded by it every single day, you can’t feign ignorance now.”
