Page 41 of Hide n' Seek

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If I wasn’t careful, I knew I’d totally lose the plot. I wasn’t here to enjoy myself, this was a job. Like working for Terrance.

“Hurry it up,” Dylan called, turning on his heel. “We gotta get this moron a weapon.”

The other two gave their acknowledgments but stayed hunched over the victim for a few more seconds. I should have pulled my eyes away, but I couldn’t as her bloodied body came into view. Her skull smashed and leaking blood and brain matter onto the asphalt through tendrils of fiery red hair.

I was vaguely aware of the pings from the men’s trackers and their hoots of excitement. It was the thing that tore me away from the girl’s smashed skull and back to Dylan.

“Let’s go, Kohl.” he called, Pink and Yellow falling into step with him.

Just like that, my feet moved on their own, following him like I had been my entire life.

* * *

If I thought the area with the haunted house was creepy, the games were a downright horror movie.

The place looked decrepit. What looked to be once beautifully bricked roads with grass and weeds growing through the crumbling stones.

Games lined either side, stretching for blocks. There were two additional rows on either side of the main road, giving players a nearly endless amount of chances to get what they wanted.

Creepy music blared through speakers attached to the stalls, flashing lights and cheery paint doing nothing to stop from the whole place feeling weirdly haunted. There was just something about the lack of staff.

“The balloon one has a few good guns!” Dylan said loudly as he led passed the first group of stalls, largely full of medical supplies.

We walked around with ease, Pink and Yellow stopping to play some of the games that caught their eyes.

Many of the prizes were things that would help us gain points.

Knives, bear traps, and flamethrowers. Others had food, gauze, and medical equipment.

It was easy to see which games were meant for Killers and which were for Ghosts.

If I were more like my father, I would’ve set fire to the ones for vics. But that was a bit too evil for me… Barely. At least I thought I’d probably feel guilty about it.

“Over there.” Dylan waved, pointing to a stall toward the end. “I’m going to try and get a stun gun I saw in another one.”

I nodded and set off to my destination, happy to be rid of my brother, even if it was only for a little bit.

I frowned when I caught sight of the game. Most of the brightly colored balloons were destroyed, and the largest of the prizes gone. All that was left was some ammo and malicious accessories that would do me no good.

I was about to walk away when I caught sight of a glimmering piece of metal in the corner of the stall. Turning, I smiled as I caught sight of the gun.

“Architects sure love me today,” I said with an excited smile.

With this, I will be able to make it through for you, goddess. Just wait for me.

Leaning over the counter, I reached for it. But it was just out of my reach.

“Are you fucking kidding me…?” My voice trailed off when I caught sight of a victim huddled in the corner.

But not just any victim.

My little blue-haired rabbit.

It was fate bringing us together again, it had to be.

She was just out of reach. With just one lunge, I could—

Her movements were quick, decisive. She lunged forward, grabbing the gun and aiming it right at my chest.
