Page 66 of Hide n' Seek

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He grabbed onto my sweater as I was diving back for the boat, forcing me on my back.

“Ain’t nobody gonna come help you now. Wonder what they’ll do when they find out I’ve killed you? Do you think they’ll cry? Scream? Getangry?”

“Fuck you,” I spat, jerking against his hold. His hand wrapped around my neck, putting enough pressure on the sides of my neck to startle me, but not enough to choke me just yet. “You look like an off-brand Kohl. Five bucks that your hair will fall out if I do this–”

I reached forward just enough to thread my hands in Dylan’s hair and yankhard.

The feeling of his hand slamming against my cheek was enough to stun me, pain ricocheting throughout my skull.

“I should’ve known you were just like your fuckingmother,” he spat.

The words turned my blood to ice in my veins, panic clawing at my throat.

“The fuck did you say about my mo—”

Dylan’s hand squeezing my throat caused me to choke on my words.

“I said, you’re just like yourwhoreof a mother,” he spat. “Fucking whoever you think will get you to the top in the games. Imagine what Kohl will think when they figure out you’re just using them to get ahead? Maybe you won’t even let them realize. I should tell them after this. About your plan to murder them when they least expect it.”

“What are you fucking talking—”

It was getting harder to speak. Harder to breathe.

He’s going to fucking kill me.

“You know? Your plan? To stab them in the back? I’ll deliver the news for you, don’t worry. I’ll also be the shoulder they need to cry on—god, imagine how many points that would get me.”

I tried to buck against him, but with a single hand, he dragged me across the platform until my head and upper body were over the water.

“Dylan, wait—” I begged, only to be cut off as his strong hands forced me under.

My nose and mouth filled with water as I fought against him. But he was bigger than me by about a hundred pounds, not wiry like Kohl—fuck, how could I have been so stupid to mistake them?

Kohl,myKohl, was a lanky asshole with the walk of someone whose parents made too much money.

This guy was nothing but a cheap imitation.

I looked up at him, the water blurring his face. He was nothing like the Dylan I knew. The Dylan I knew was a stupid, self-centered bastard… but this was too cruel.

He pulled me up, letting me take a breath. As much as I didn’t want to, I clung to him.

He seemed surprised by my actions and let out a huff.

“You’re right,” I whispered. “I will attach myself to whoever can help me win. Right now, that’s you.”

He carefully peeled me back from him, his eyes trailing over my face. I had to fight the sudden urge to cry, to beg for my life.

“Aw,” he said, his voice turning gentle. “You’re such a fucking liar.”

Faster than he could keep up, I twisted beneath him, lunging forward to grab the boat in an attempt to get myself as far away from him as possible.

The gun. I need the gun.

A hand tangled through my hair, and before I knew it, I was pushed up again, my watch buzzing non-stop. Not that any of the viewers’ comments or hints would fucking help me while I was being drowned in three feet of over-chlorinated water. All while staring at Dylan’s sickening grin spreading further across his face as he watched me die in front of him.

This time, Dylan wasn’t fucking kidding. I was a goner.


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