Page 67 of Hide n' Seek

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Before the Games

Ialways knew my brother was capable of something horrible. He was just too much like our father.

But I never thought he would do something like this.

My hands balled into fists at my side, anger causing the blood in my veins to boil.

I hadn’t meant to run into Dylan and his friends. In fact, I’d been actively avoiding them. All I’d wanted to do was go downstairs, grab a glass of water, and disappear back into my room. I hadn’t expected them to be down there—drunk off their asses—and passing around Dylan’s phone like it was the Hide and Seek cup.

“How the hell did you manage to get her to send you these?” one of his friends, Laramy, said, his voice practically vibrating with excitement.

I peeked around the corner, finding their backs to me. Dylan stood to the side, watching the scene unfold like a king on his throne. Another of the boys, Shaw, reached over and grabbed the phone from Laramy.

“She’s spreading her legs for you andeverything!” he exclaimed with an awestruck sort of laugh.

Dylan took a sip of his drink, sending his friends a smug smile.

“She’s not like those other cunts,” he said, waving his drink at them dismissively. “When I told her to send me a picture of her pussy, she listened. None of that faux-shy hiding behind a towel or sheet bullshit.”

Shaw held the phone up just high enough for me to see them scrolling through Dylan’s camera roll.

“Oh,fuck,” Laramy groaned, zooming into one of the photos. “This one’s going on my wall.”

My entire heart dropped into my stomach when I saw the next picture.

Vic spread out on her bed, pleasuring herself. It got even worse when he swiped.

The next file wasn’t a photo at all, it was avideo.

“Fuck, you’re so tight.” Dylan’s voice came from the phone.

His friends exploded with laughter and catcalls as they watched. Vic’s obviously fake moans filtered through the speakers.

“Oh my god, Dylan.Harder!”

The disgusting sound of their skin slapping together made bile rise in the back of my throat.

“Damn, you should upload this somewhere,” Shaw muttered. “I’d pay good money to see an ass like this.”

I hated how long they watched the video.

How long they commented on Vic’s body.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I stormed back upstairs, closing my door with a slam.

I didn’t even get my glass of water.

* * *

I regretted that I didn’t confront him.

I regretted not storming into the kitchen and throwing his phone onto the tile, rendering his beloved files useless.

Not that it would’ve helped, everything was cloud-saved nowadays anyway.

I’d wondered why Vic didn’t show up at school that day.

It’d become a habit of mine to wait in the quad until she showed up, just so I could get a glimpse of her.
