Page 70 of Hide n' Seek

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I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to Kohl. Where was he while Dylan was here?

I hoped they’d make it out alive. At least one of ushad to.I hated how I wouldn’t be able to experience what our lives would be when we were free of the arena—that I wouldn’t be able to tell them that I had already forgiven them for something they weren’t even truly a part of.

“Dunk her again,” he read aloud from his tracker. “Ooh, this one’s fun. Dunk her until she passes out, then give us a little show. What do you say, Victoria? Want one last time together before I send you to hell?”

“No one wants your puny shrimp dick,” I hissed.

“Aw,” he said in mock disappointment, a feral grin overtaking his features. “Well, I can’t say I didn’t try.”

He pushed my head forward, the water brushing my nose.

“Wait! Dylan, stop this now—”

“No, I don’t think I will,” he said with a laugh, the sound dampening as the water filled my ears.


I wasn’t going to say sorry to Vic again. I couldn’t.

Ileft the garden, breathing heavy and clutching the taser in my hand and Dylan’s blue mask on my face.

Thank fucking God for my viewers.

It had been awful trying to fight against both Pink and Yellow. They were nothing if not my brother’s lackeys, and they tried their damn hardest to make sure that I wasn’t going after him.

But they underestimated just how much I was willing to do for Vic. Just how much of a monster I was willing to become for her.

It wastheywho should have been thanking the viewers for sending me a taser and not a rifle. I wouldn’t have hesitated to litter their bodies with bullets as I let out my anger on them.

It was the same anger that pushed my aching body toward the tunnel of love.

I wasn’t going to say sorry to Vic again. I couldn’t.After everything she’d been through,we’dbeen through, I wasn’t going to let another person stand in my way… even if they were family.

I ran to the tunnel of love, ignoring how my body screamed at me to stop. The only thing on my mind were images of Vic and my brother. I knew he had a temper, one that he would be all too willing to take out on her.

When I pushed through the tunnel of love’s entrance, the first thing I noticed was the music. The melody was familiar, almost comical. Something that was played in old TV shows and movies whenever there was a romantic moment between the characters. But the warpedness of it coming from the crackled speakers made the tunnel all that more sinister.

Next, I noticed the sounds of rushing water. The sounds of the boat hitting the sides of the tracks.

And then the splashing.

I walked the short entryway, and there was only a small turn before I came face-to-face with the loading dock. As I got closer I could make out grunts of effort that pushed me faster, until I was rounding the corner with dread sitting heavy in my stomach.

That’s when I sawthem.

It was far too quiet for what he was doing.

He was bent over her, forcing her face into the water. Vic’s hands flailed as she tried to grasp on to something, but he had her gripped so tight that she had no way of getting away from him.

He turned to me, a crazed smile spreading across his face.

“Just in time!” He called, yanking Vic out of the water. Her pained gasps and coughs cut through the space. “Look, your dog has come to save you.”

Vic tried to tilt her head to look at me, but Dylan was faster. He pushed her head back underwater, keeping his eyes locked on mine as he hurt her.

“But you won’t be doing any saving, will you?” he asked smugly.

“Let her go!” I growled and took a step forward.
