Page 95 of Hide n' Seek

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She had a point. A good one.

We came here for one reason and one reason only, to win. But that didn’t mean that the elites who ran the game wouldn’t try to milk us for everything we had.

There was a flash in the room. Like someone running. It took me a moment to get my head back in the game, but Vic had already raised her gun and started firing.

The person cursed, and I blinked a few times to try and make them out in the darkness of the room.

They didn’t have a mask, but their all-black uniform and tracker told me they were a part of the game. A different person than the victim we saw earlier, but they would do.

I promised I would help Vic with this, and I would damn sure keep it.

“Let me,” I said, darting toward the person. They were smaller than me and already panting, with blood splattered all over their faces.

We aren’t the first to find you, but we will be the last.

It was almost too easy to tackle them to the ground. They fought like hell, kicking, punching, and swinging their fists at my face, but they were too weak.

For the first time since the games started, I felt like I was in control. I felt like I was in charge of what would happen in this room. And that single-handedly I could win the game for us.

It was an intoxicating, powerful feeling that made a burst of excitement run through me.

This must have been what Dylan felt.I had gotten a glimpse of it when I killed Vic’s friend, but it was never like this. Because this time, I was doing it forher.

I dragged the young man by his hair to Vic, kicking the back of his knees so he was forced to kneel in front of her. The way her chest puffed as she looked down at him sent heat rushing through my veins straight to my core.

Finally, people would see Victoria the way I did.

Could see the way she was meant to tower over those weaker than her. To see how good she looked when she was looking down at a squirming, crying coward.

A goddess looking down upon her kingdom, ready to enact her righteous justice

Jealousy flared as Vic placed the gun under his chin, but it was quickly extinguished when her eyes lifted to me with a teasing wink.

Fuck.Even such a simple move threatened to make me a puddle at her feet.

We were in this together. Deity and beloved servant.

“Please,” he begged. “We still have time. You don’t have to—”

She pushed the gun to his forehead.

“A point is a point, right? Don’t take it personally,” she said.

I had thought I’d fallen in love with Vic long ago. It was slow at first, when I watched her with her friends or snuck out to see her whenever she had a spare moment from my brother. Then one day it fell all together, and I couldn’tstopthe feelings of warmth in my chest when I looked at her.

I thoughtthathad been love.


It was clear to me now that in this moment, holding her enemy still at her feet—ready for her to claim their worthless life and begin the road toward reclaiming everything my family had taken from her, I fell more deeply for her than I could’ve ever imagined.

All encompassing.Eternal.

“Surely you can’t miss now,” I teased, unable to help myself.

She let out an exaggerated gasp. “Oh, you’ll pay for that later.”

I didn’t say anything, just pushed the man’s head harder into her gun. I moved to the side, making sure I wasn’t in the line of fire.
