Page 100 of Don't Hate Me

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“Well, I guess I better put you out of your misery, huh?”

Before he could react, I brought the rock down on his head. Again. And again. And again.

With each hit, I imagined everything he put me through. Not just the physical abuse, though I paid him back for each hit. All the shame he put on me. All the disgust.

He made me feel like I was nothing. Like I was disgusting. Like I was unlovable. Like I should have been ashamed of my sexual nature, then used that same hidden desire in me to try and force me to entertain his friends.

I repaid back everything he did to me. Transferring all of those painful memories and disgusting touches back onto him.

I didn’t stop even after his body went still. I promised myself that I would let everything out on him, and I did.

The only thing that caused me to stop was the sound of gravel shifting. I looked around me to see if any of his men had come, but the beach was empty.

Looking back at the bloodied and ruined man below me, I felt a strong, sickening rush of satisfaction before the dread crept in.

What did I do?

I pushed myself up and off of him, unable to handle the feeling of him on my skin.

I just fucking killed a man. Not just that, Iwantedto.A laugh left my lips. I haddreamedabout this moment, but now that it was finally here—

I leaned over, emptying the contents of my stomach onto the beach.

Exhausted, I fell to my knees.

Think Blake. Think.All this time, I had thought of his murder… but never what would happen after.

I could leave. Walk right up the bluffs and down the main road until someone passes by…but what if it was his men? What if they came back before I could get to safety?

With shaky hands, I crawled over to him and dug out the cell phone that was hiding in his jacket pocket, dialing the only number I bothered to memorize.

The hoarse voice filled the speaker in seconds, and relief hit me like a tidal wave.

“I need your help.”


“What do we havehere?” I asked, unable to keep the excitement from filling my voice.

I don’t know what I expected when I showed up to her location, but it sure as hell wasn’t a bloodied and feral-looking Blake after she had bludgeoned her ex-husband to death.

When I shined the light over her, she looked more like a wild animal than a human.

I was hardly keeping myself together when I first caught sight of her, but as those startling emerald eyes locked on me, I found it almost impossible to stay at a distance.

“Now normally I charge for something like this, but for you, I’ll make an exception.”

I turned off the light so she could see it was me and not some random person stumbling upon the crime scene. Normally I wouldn’t doubt her abilities to recognize me, but murder does crazy things to a person’s psyche.

Not only had I seen it mess up the other assassins at the guild, but I had experienced it firsthand as well.

The panic.

The fear.


I climbed down from the bluffs, keeping a watchful eye on Blake. Her eyes told me everything I needed to know. She was scared, upset, and looked like she would run at any moment.
