Page 104 of Don't Hate Me

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I would do anything if it meant giving her the life she deserved.

“You’ll help me?” she asked with a tone so sweet that I couldn’t help but lean down for another kiss.

“I will do more than help you,” I said with a laugh. “Do you trust me?”

She didn’t hesitate as she nodded.

“Good. ’Cause I have a plan.”

* * *

“It’s been a minute since I cleaned up by myself,” I said with a small laugh.

My heart was pounding in my chest. Sweat collected across my forehead and dripped down my face. Even though the night air was cool, the hike from the small pier where Russell had died to the cliff just across the way was a steep trek.

The woods gave us the cover we needed to move a body, but the ground was rough, and more than once I found myself almost tripping over tree roots.

I stood up, looking down at Russell’s body.

His face was still swollen, even in death, but not swollen enough to stop me from prying a single eye out to leave at the scene. Something that Blake seemed a bit queasy about.

I turned to look at the little agent as she sat on the cliff’s edge. She had wanted to help, but after the insane trek in the woods, I knew she needed a break.

That and, well… she may have had a darkness in her, but I guessed that right about then she was rethinking her decision to kill him.

“You need to clean up crime scenes often?” she asked, turning around to look at me. There was something in her eyes. I was relieved to see itwasn’tdisgust.

I gave her a nod.

“I have honestly lost count,” I admitted. “Since coming back to the States, I have been pushed to my limit. Job after job, trying to rack up clients all while playing house with you.”

She cocked her head, a small, teasing smile spreading across her lips.

“Playinghouse?” she echoed. “Something about the way you come on my fingers leads me to believe you indulged a bit too much.”

I let out a startled cough, slamming my hand against my chest to try and unlodge whatever feelings that made me react so violently.

I cleared my throat, then leaned down to tighten the knot on Russell’s torso. I had ripped his shirt into strips, tied them across his stomach, and intricately knotted them together to keep the rocks in his body.

It wasn’t a perfect way to dispose of the body. The tide would cause him to wash up sooner or later, but hopefully it would give us both the time we needed to prepare everything and escape this place.

There would be multiple organizations after us, none of them willing to give us up that easily.

We needed to move carefully and quickly. It would be years until we could breathe without having to constantly look over our shoulders. But it would be worth it.

“Don’t act like you weren’t begging me to fuck you, little one,” I shot back with a grunt as I pulled the material higher around the dead body.

“Oh, I was,” she said with a light laugh. “And I won’t dare deny it.”

Heat rose to my face, and a light burst of satisfaction sparked in my chest.

“You seem comfortable around the dead,” I noted, and straightened. The body was ready for dumping.

Blake stood as well, wiping her palms on her pants.

“After marrying him, I learned very quickly that I couldn’t let death bother me,” she said with a sigh. I could see the painful memories replaying across her vision.

I looked over at her carefully. It was more than death not bothering her…
