Page 105 of Don't Hate Me

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Stepping forward, I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to meet my eyes.

“Death can hurt,” I said slowly. “But his shouldn’t. Not to mention you almost killed a man for the senator’s wife. I would go so far as saying that maybe a part of you enjoys it.”

“You saw that, didn’t you?” she said, curiosity burning her eyes. “I wonder what else you’ve seen?”

Her voice was playful. So much so it caused another burst of heat to run through me. If we weren’t on such a tight timeline, I may have had my way with her then and there just to teach her a lesson.

“Not nearly enough,” I admitted, my voice lowering. “I want to see every single thought hiding behind those beautiful eyes of yours. I want to listen to the things you never dare tell anyone else. I want to be there as I watch you explore the darkness inside you. The same one that has been clawing at your insides to get out. With me, you never have to hide.Never.”

Her eyes widened, and her breath caught in her throat. My hand came to brush her hair, and it was still damp with his blood.

“Let’s get this over with and take care of this, hm?” I asked in a whisper.

She held my gaze for a moment longer.Say what you’re thinking. Say it, Blake.

But her lips paused together, and she looked down at the body instead of responding.

I stepped away and motioned for her to take the feet. Without waiting for her, I braced myself and lifted him by the armpits. He was a heavy fucker, especially with all those rocks in him. Blake and I managed to lift him, and on the count of three, we threw him into the water below.

The sound of the waves crashing against the rocky cliff concealed the slam of his body.

Both of us were breathing heavily as we stood over the cliff and watched as his body sank into the inky blackness of the sea. The silence was heavy around us, sinking into our bones and reminding us just how much work we still had to do.

“Why did the FBI do nothing about his family?” I asked, unable to keep the question inside me any longer. I looked toward Blake, but she kept her eyes on the water below.

She shrugged, a movement that was supposed to be effortless but felt stiff.

“My guess is they were too powerful,” she answered. “Russell and Alec are in deep with different government agencies. It’s how they can run around like they do without getting caught.”

“Just weapons?” I asked.

“Information, weapons, hits, trafficking…” She listed off the crimes as if she were reading off a grocery list. It stunned me to think how she had survived so long with him in the first place.

I imagined how life was for her back then, how hard it must have been to be by the side of someone like Russell. I had seen men like him throughout my time with the guild.

They were just as ruthless in their marriages as they were in their work lives. If they didn’t conform, didn’t submit, there would be no telling what they would do.

Yet Blake survived it all and made it out alive.

“Who did you give it to?” I asked.

She stayed silent at this. I didn’t want to admit her reluctance to tell me stung. I had just buried her husband. I would kill for her. I just proved it. What else could I have done to get her to trust me?

“Don’t trust me yet?” I asked. Her gaze fell to her feet.

The sound of the waves filled the air along with the slight rustle of leaves as the wind filtered through the trees behind us.

“This is… new to me.”

“Blackmailing powerful gangs?” I asked, a smile tugging at my lips. Her head snapped up to deliver a burning glare.

“Sorry,” I murmured, holding my hands up in defeat.

“Sharing, you psycho,” she said with a huff, arms crossing around her chest. Warmth burst across my chest. “I’ve been running and hiding everything for my entire adult life, so forgive me for not knowing how to open up.”

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. I greedily inhaled her scent, taking comfort in the fact that she didn’t push me away.

“I won’t kill him,” I vowed, running my hands down her arms in an attempt to warm her against the coldness of the night air. “I just want to talk. You can trust me.”
