Page 125 of Don't Hate Me

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Being in front of the sea now was… calming.

I took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill my lungs.

“Just a small break,” she said, sending me a smile. “We will be on the road until late for another two days going west before we can fully rest. There won’t be another chance to see the sea for some time.”

“No stopping at all?” I asked, turning to face her and walking backward to the ocean. She followed me closely, her eyes darting to and from the ocean as we approached.

“There’s a discreet motel between here and where we need to be by tomorrow. I’ll stop there for a few hours, but then we have to head out.”

I hummed and kicked off my shoes. The rocky floor was slightly warm against my toes, but the cool air chased the warmth away.

“If you go in there, I’m not coming after you,” she said, her voice lowering.

I cocked a brow at her and took a big step back, letting the waves brush over my feet. I gasped at the coldness the sea. It was like a shock to my system.

Similar to when my dom used pain when I was so deep in a pleasure filled haze that I couldn’t think straight. It caused my head to clear and a smile to play at my lips.

“You scared of the ocean?” I asked.

“No,” she shot back, her voice turning dangerous.

I sent her a smile before grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to me.

“Sure, you aren’t.”

She stopped right before the line of the waves, her face morphing into a deep scowl.

When she didn’t come right away, I leaned down, cupping the water in my hand, and threw it at her.

She ground her teeth together, her jaw clenching.

“You think that will make me chase you?” she asked, her voice tense.

“I think it will make you fear the water less,” I said and splashed another bit at her. “At least while you’re with me.”

“I’m not afraid of it,” she huffed and took a step closer, but just before the wave hit her foot, she inched away.

I hit her with another bit of water, and this time she didn’t think twice about charging in after me.

I couldn’t stop the squeal that slipped from my lips at the suddenness of her movements.

I tried to splash water on her as I made my escape, but she was too fast. She used both hands, leaned down, and splashed me straight in the face with water.

I coughed, trying to expel the little bit that got into my mouth. My world spun, and in an instant, I was on my back, water crashing around me. I closed my eyes on impact and squeezed them shut for fear.

Quinn’s laugh reached my ears, causing my eyes to spring open.

She was above me, her hair dripping with water. The sun was shining behind her, illuminating her face and that drop-dead gorgeous smile that spread across her face.

I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her smile so widely before. It was breathtaking.

The normal sullen and serious look on her face quite literally melted away, showing a cheek-aching smile paired with laughter that stemmed deep from her chest.

I wanted to commit it to memory. I wanted it to shine bright and force all the bad memories back, so I was just left with this single awe-inspiring moment.

The waves leaked into my clothing bringing sand with it, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her face to mine.
